Be Wary When Getting Help or Downloading Drivers: Subdomains Are Tricky

By | September 19, 2014

Pam needs to reinstall her printer drivers but lost the printer setup disk
I wonder if any one can help me i rebooted my computer and now i can not put my printer back in as i can n find the disc is there any one that can tell me how i can down it from the net. Regards Pam

Our answer
Hi Pam. This is a really good question because it brings up a common problem most of us face from time to time. If you search for, let’s say, Lexmark drivers, or HP Printer Drivers or Canon Printer Drivers, you’re going to find you’ll get a lot of search results. Unfortunately, most of them will be links to driver updater programs which are malware or install malware, or driver scam sites trying to charge you for drivers etc.

It is really important that you look over the search results and separate the manufactures” sites from the garbage sites. Here’s a little tip for you and everyone…  is not an HP site  is an HP site (although the link may not work because we just made it up for demo purposes)  is not a Microsoft site  is a Microsoft site

Some of those links may not work, we just made them up to teach you how to tell real from fake. The domain name before the .com or .net or .whatever is all that matters. What comes before that are known as subdomains and anyone with a Web site can create as many subdomains as they want. For example:


Are all subdomains belonging to sites you don’t want to mess with. So always be careful you look at the domain name right before the .com, .net, .org, etc.

Make sure, that you go to the correct site for your printer drivers. Most all printer manufacturers offer free driver downloads for all their printers. If you have an HP printer go to , for Lexmark go to , for Canon go to , etc. Most often drivers and driver downloads are listed under “Support” on these sites. Make sure you know the model name and number of your printer before you head to the site to download drivers — not only will you save time, you’ll save the aggravation of downloading and installing incorrect drivers.

We hope this helps you.

One thought on “Be Wary When Getting Help or Downloading Drivers: Subdomains Are Tricky

  1. Marty Prager

    Thank you So Much TC!
    I’ve finally saved this article so I don’t have to keep searching for the answer – getting a tad forgetful lately.
    I donate a lot to charities and different causes, etc. and this one made me STOP and think (remembering what you’ve said before).
    I think it “might be fake”, but I’m not sure as the link to it came in an email from a particular entity that I always get info from – and trust.
    Here’s how the URL read (note: I changed the name to “goodcauses” to avoid any embarrassment):
    From what I understand, the real domain is “” and not “goodcauses” – if I were to proceed with making a donation on that site, then I may be opening myself up for real trouble.
    Please TC, tell me if I got it right. “Good” (made up name), is a real website that I continually get emails from – but from time to time, in addition to the information and articles they have in those emails, they also ask for a donation with a link – as in the above example.
    Given that, I’d hate to not give, but I also don’t want to fall into a trap that you have warned us about.
    Please let me know your thoughts.
    I’m a real longtime fan of you and Darcy. My dad turned me on to you folks before he passed – and you helped both of us many times before – I even bought a Senior Repair Key.
    You guys are best. May you both be blessed for all the truly good and noble work you do.


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