Cloudeight Internet
December 23, 2013
Dear friends,
We wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas; thank you for your continued support. And thanks to all of you for your fantastic response to our Buy One & Get One free sale.
Winter Weather Problems and Power Outages
Much of the United States has been affected by severe winter weather. Many of you have experienced power outages from snow and ice storms and we know the problems those can cause. We’ve been without power on and off since Saturday. Because of this we’re going to extend the Buy One & Get One Free sale for one week. Your response to this sale has been overwhelming and we want to make sure that all of you who support us get the chance to beat the substantial price increase coming on January 1, 2014. So all of you have until Monday, December 30, 2013 to get your Cloudeight Direct Computer Repair Keys now – Buy One & Get One Free.
Order Fulfillment Delays
We, like much of the Midwestern USA, have experienced power outages and this has affected the time it takes for us to fill orders. Every order will be filled – but we ask for your patience and understanding. It may take up to 72 hours during this time to get your order filled — in most case it shouldn’t take more than 48 hours. We just wanted you to know that ‘we might be a little slower getting your order filled. But we will make sure that all of you get the Cloudeight Direct Computer Care Keys you ordered. And remember the keys never expire — they are good until you use them. We hope you take advantage of this sale — it’s really like having extra insurance for you computer — and who knows, Santa might be bringing you a new computer for Christmas — and you can use one of your Cloudeight Direct Computer Care Keys and we can help clean off the trialware and junkware — and help you get it set up correctly so it runs better than new!
We Are Extending This Sale…So You Still Have Time!
We are extending this sale until Monday, December 30, 2013 so you still have time to take advantage of this very special offer. Your Cloudeight Direct Computer Care Keys never expire — they are good until you use them. Visit this page to take advantage of this offer right now! And since you can keep them until you need them, it’s like having insurance for your computer. Our Cloudeight Direct Computer Care Repair Keys are good until you use them!
They’ll never be a lower price than this — ever. Beginning January 1, 2014 our prices will be $89 for a single service key and $129 for two repair keys. Compare to Best Buy where a simple virus/malware removal session with Best Buy’s Geek Squad starts at $149 remotely and $199 in store — and you’ll see we will still be offering great service at an exceptionally fair price.
We’ve helped thousands of you with your computer problems; we treat your computers as if they were our own. You get the kind of service you want, from people you know you can trust. We have had great success fixing most every kind of computer problem imaginable! And now when you buy one Cloudeight Direct Computer Care repair key, we’ll give you one free! That’s a savings of $69!
Right now — get two Cloudeight Direct Computer Care Repair keys for $69. That’s less than $35 each!
Sale ends at 5:00 a.m. U.S. Eastern Standard Time on Monday, December 30, 2013.
Both of us wish you and your loved ones a blessed and Merry Christmas — and all the best in the New Year.
Thanks for your support!
Merry Christmas…God bless us, every one!
Darcy & TC
Cloudeight Internet
December 23, 2013
Take all the time you need. I know you’ll catch up. Take the time to enjoy your holidays as best you can and stay safe.
Hi, TC & Darcy,
I edit a small newsletter (405 copies) of 20 pages every month for my homeowners association. I have been using my Dell desktop Pentium 4 Processor at 2.40GHz with 533 MHz system bus/512K L2 cache. (11 yars old) with XP and Microsoft Publisher 2003 to construct the newsletter and then put it on a PDF to submit to the printer.
Now I understand that XP will die out this coming year, and I think it’s time to replace my Dell with another up to date unit along with Publisher. I’ve had problems with Dell, but it has survived for me. I would not object to purchasing another brand of computer. I do a lot of photography with this newsletter, so I need a computer that can handle pictures also. I use Microsoft Digital Image 2006 in all my photo work and am extremely happy with that program. I taught it to seniors for seven years at a senior center in Orlando.
I also have a 17′ Toshiba laptop, Satellite model P305-S8904 which I had upgrated from Vista to Windows 7, But I find it harder to use because of the keyboard flush type keys, and the big differences between XP and 7.
I am 84 years young, and I enjoy working on the computer and enjoy making my newsletter every month.
Now my question to you. Can you recommend a desktop computer model that I can adapt to my needs and how would I go about getting Microsoft Publisher (NEW EDITION) without having to buy all the other garbage they bundle up on the Publisher program.
BTW The emsisoft program Darcy loaded on my XP works beautifully.
Gene Bousquet
The U.S was not the only ones hit by the snow storm. Canada was as well. Toronto where we live, thousands upon thousands were without power and still are. Brian our Son’s Apartment was hit Sat. and just to-day got his Power Back. Finally came to our House to stay warm. Lucky for us our House was okay. Not sure why.
Merry Christmas and a Healthy & Happy New Year to both of you.