Category Archives: Malware

Just the Facts Ma’am

Police Departments Skirting Public Accountability By Using Private Foundations To Obtain Controversial Surveillance Technology The less the public knows about law enforcement surveillance technology, the better. That’s the thought process governing the purchase and deployment of technology like Stingray devices and automatic license plate readers. In the case of the former, even the nation’s top cops (the FBI)… Read More »

Yahoo Users Beware!

We have been advising our readers to stop using Yahoo because of the continue hacking of accounts. We have seen our friends and family members who were using Yahoo Mail and other Yahoo Services have their accounts compromised. Plus, we have read other stories about Yahoo’s aging infrastructure, poor management, disregard for user privacy and have seen first… Read More »

U.S. Police Are Giving Away Keylogging Software as a ‘Safety’ Measure

U.S. Police Are Giving Away Keylogging Software as a ‘Safety’ Measure For years, local law enforcement agencies around the country have told parents that installing ComputerCOPsoftware is the “first step” in protecting their children online. Police chiefs, sheriffs, and district attorneys have handed out hundreds of thousands of copies of the disc to families for free at schools,… Read More »