Category Archives: NEWSBYTES

How Bad Are Windows 8.x Sales…Really?

A closer look at just how badly Windows 8.x is failing Once a month I report on the desktop operating system market share using data from NetMarketShare. The changes in fortune between the different flavours of Windows is usually fairly minimal – a per centage point gained here, a per centage point lost there. And usually the rise… Read More »

Over 100 Tech Companies Come Together To Defend Net Neutrality

Google, Facebook, And Over 100 Tech Companies Come Together To Defend Net Neutrality This afternoon, a coalition of more than 100 tech companies wrote a joint letter to the FCC standing in favor of net neutrality. Since news of an FCC proposal that could threaten net neutrality broke on April 23, tech companies have remained silent, while open… Read More »

Emails Between Google and NSA show prior relationship

Emails between Google execs, NSA chief show prior relationship Post-NSA secrecy, many big tech companies like Google were outspoken about the practices used by the NSA to gather info. Since that time, they’ve gone on the offensive, trying to both challenge the NSA and distance themselves from it. New emails obtained by news outlet Al Jazeera show a… Read More »

The Return of the Cassette

If you’re over 55 you probably remember buying music on cassette. Remember those old dual cassette recorders that let you copy your friend’s Beatles’ albums? Ah! Those were the days! Hang on — it looks like cassettes are coming back in a big way…read on, my friends: Sony able to fit 3,700 Blu-Rays worth of data onto single… Read More »

Living In a Fish Tank

The Internet of Things could encroach on personal privacy White House report on IoT describes electrical devices with unique signatures that can tell a lot A recent White House report on big data wonders aloud about the capability of sensors and smart meters to turn homes into fish tanks, completely transparent to marketers, police — and criminals. Smart… Read More »