Category Archives: Privacy

Learn how to protect yourself on Facebook

It’s not a newsflash: A  lot of people love Facebook, and I wanted to make sure that if you’re one of them, you take care of your privacy when you’re using Facebook. There are a lot of things going on that you’re probably not aware of, for instance over 600,000 Facebook logins (passwords and user names) are stolen… Read More »

NSA’s all seeing machine

The edge of the abyss: exposing the NSA’s all-seeing machine “I know the capability that is there to make tyranny total in America, and we must see to it that this agency and all agencies that possess this technology operate within the law and under proper supervision, so that we never cross over that abyss. That is the… Read More »

NSA secretly taps into Google, Yahoo networks

Are we becoming a police state? With our prisons overflowing and, in many states, police officers shaking down innocent citizens for money (see this article from USA Today) in a process called “churning”, how much further do we have to go before a majority of Americans stand up and say “enough is enough”? The U.S. government claims that… Read More »