Category Archives: RAM

Let’s Talk About RAM

Let’s Talk About RAM RAM is also known as memory. The amount of memory installed in your computer has a lot to do with how “fast” it runs. Generally, the more RAM you have installed, the faster your computer will be. More than anything else, RAM determines how well your computer performs. There are other factors too, but… Read More »

Memories…The Way We Were

  Memories…The Way We Were Your computer has two kinds of memory, the computer kind and your kind Your computer has two kinds of memory: RAM (Random Access Memory) that makes your run faster. RAM serves as a temporary storage area for data that the computer is actively using. When you open a program or file, the data… Read More »

Get That New PC Feeling

    Get That New PC Feeling The number one complaint we hear all the time is “My computer is so slow“.  And while there are a lot of things you can do to help speed up your PC, if it doesn’t have enough RAM it’s never going to be fast. Why will your computer be slow if… Read More »