Category Archives: TV

Wednesday Newsbytes: Windows 12 or Windows Utopia?; AI a Glorified Tape Recorder Says Physicist; Owner Calls Cops When Cat Opens Freezer: Chrome to Summarize Articles for You… and more!

    Wednesday Newsbytes: Windows 12 or Windows Utopia?; AI a Glorified Tape Recorder Says Physicist; Owner Calls Cops When Cat Opens Freezer: Chrome to Summarize Articles for You… and more! Every day we scan the tech world for interesting news in the world of technology and sometimes from outside the world of technology. Every Wednesday, we feature… Read More »

The Rise of Streaming TV

    The Rise of Streaming TV I started “streaming” more than ten years ago when I got a Roku streaming device for my birthday. The streaming world was very different then. Netflix was the king of streaming apps and while there were others, they weren’t very good. The streaming world has changed.  Now there are dozens of… Read More »