
By | June 4, 2015


A circle has no beginning and no end. Our world, our solar system, our universe, even life itself, are all about circles. The moon circles the earth, the earth circles the sun, the sun circles the center of the Milky Way and the Milky Way circles the center of the universe. Everything in circles.

It’s late spring, summer has not yet arrived, yet autumn begins soon. The death of spring gives life to summer and the death of summer gives birth to autumn. We will celebrate the birth of a new season and pine the passing of another. The circle of the seasons turns slowly, but the seasons pass quickly. It seems only yesterday we were celebrating the beautiful colors of autunn, and now winter has gone, spring is dying, summer is almost here… and yet it is almost autumn again. The circle of time deceives. I thought I had more time than I did. Summer’s almost here, autumn is moments away, Christmas will be here in the blink of an eye…and we’ll start all over again.

Our lives are circles too. Rich or poor, black or white, Christian, Jew, or Muslim, it does not matter. We all share at least two things; we are all born and we will all die. The circle of live revolves from birth to death for each of us, no matter who we are. Not one of us can escape the circle of life.

As summer approaches, autumn approaches too. When summer ends, autumn is born, and winter is just a tick of the clock away.

I find myself reflecting on where I stand in my own circle of life. If my circle of life were a clock would the bell be tolling 8 o’clock or 9 o’clock? It might even be later than that. I cannot see the hands on the face of the clock that rests in the center of the circle of my life.

It may be closer to midnight than I imagine. Or, midnight might be several hours away. One thing I know, it’s not morning anymore; it’s not even afternoon. It’s evening. If my life were a season, it would be autumn. But is it early autumn, when the days and nights are of equal length, or is it late autumn where the nights are long and the days are short? I cannot know because I cannot see the date on the clock that lies in the center of my own circle of life.

I waste time as if I had all the time in the world. The face of the clock in the middle of the circle of my life is shrouded in a mist so thick I cannot see it. I don’t want to see it anyway. I’m afraid to see where the hands of the clock are pointing.

I hear the clock ticking behind me. The house is dark and quiet. The clock has just chimed eleven times. Tick, tick, tick, tick, tick, each second ticking away. The hands on the clock don’t seem to move when I watch them. But when I turn away and look back the clock’s hands tell me it is now 11:06. Where did those six minutes go?

It’s late and I want to sleep. I imagine the circumference of the circle of my life as if it were bounded by a river. When my life’s journey began the river flowed lazily; a soft meandering stream, barely a ripple could be seen in the slow current. There were only a few ripples as the river passed through some narrow canyons along the way. The river flowed so slowly that I barely knew I was moving.

The raft on which I travel is floating on more turbulent waters now and the river is flowing faster and faster and faster through the ethereal and enigmatic realm of the rapids of time. I just passed through a land of green trees, emerald grass, and beautiful flowers of every color. But now the trees aren’t so green. The leaves look old and tired and ready to die. Some are already red and yellow – colorful death throes; a signal that time is passing more quickly on this river. The water isn’t placid anymore, it is foamy and white and buzzing with the sound of a waterfall in the distance. I cannot tell how far it is, but I know it is there because I can hear it. And, I know I cannot escape its cataracts. Its only a matter of time before its thundering cascades take me and I plunge into the dark abyss that awaits beneath the fall.

I cannot get off of the raft I am on and I cannot leave the river that flows at the edge of the circle of my life. And the waterfall up ahead- the one I cannot escape – must not distract me from making the most of what is left of my journey. Sometimes it is hard to ignore the sound of the falls just ahead, but I must or the thought will paralyze me. And I cannot allow that to happen. I have so much more I want to do and see on this river.

I like to think once the waterfall crushes me and ends my life that I will wake up on another raft right back on the river, right back where I started – in the peaceful, placid, still water, in the springtime of life. Even if I did I would never know it because I would never remember my previous journey. The waterfall will claim me and the river will flow on and on without me. I will be out of time and the hands on the face on the circle of the clock of my life will be stuck at 12:00 midnight — forever.

The moon is circling above. The clock’s hands circle its face. Each tick, tick, tick of the clock moves the hands a little closer to midnight.

I travel in my circle of life and you in yours. Summer is approaching and thus autumn is near. And everything in a circle… a universe that is, no doubt, unfolding exactly as it should.


5 thoughts on “Circles

  1. Mary M

    Whoa TC! You are in a deep mood. I got caught up in it and found myself wanting to catch you from falling!
    Looked at my watch and it is just past the midnight part of the day/night circle here in Southwest. I see a lot of midnights as I’m one of those night owls( not especially by choice :).

    I did get to a point in my life of realizing the song I had heard on an old radio somewhere lo–ng ago, as a child namely “Will the Circle Be Unbroken By and by Lord In The Sky?” was in fact beginning to become a reality in my life. I’m the youngest of eight and only 2 of us still living. I say my Now I lay me down to sleep and am at peace.

    To inject a teeny bit of levity(I think I spelled that right:)) I just thought of this saying . God blesses us who walk in circles and are called big wheels.

    Sorry for the rambling writing in your posting TC. Sheesh!

  2. mike

    “Gather ye rosebuds while ye may, / Old Time is still a-flying, / And this same flower that smiles to-day / To-morrow will be dying.”

  3. Terry

    I remember many years ago my Mother saying, “I can’t have a daughter aged 50” and in a couple of years I’ll be saying the same thing about my sons. I’m fortunate to be somewhere in my autumn years, my Mom still going strong in her winter years. We don’t know when midnight will come but I’ve been blessed with a smooth journey so far.

  4. Jean Leclair

    I never thought of this way. At first reading this I was not really getting it. As I read on I couldn’t take my eyes off of this. I found I had to keep reading it to the end. This I will read more then once, I also will copy this for others to see.

    Thank you, as always love your writings.


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