Cloudeight Boosters First Anniversary

By | November 18, 2014

Cloudeight Boosters Announcement
Cloudeight Internet – November 18, 2014

Dear friends,

It’s hard to believe but our Cloudeight Boosters Donation Station is one year old today. On this special day we’d like to thank all of you who continue to support our site as well as those who have made a donation to and are members of Cloudeight Boosters.

Many of you who are current Boosters have asked us to add lower donation amounts so that you could continue to contribute, so today we are announcing new donation levels as low as $3.00. Every dollar helps.

You see, EB (Darcy) is constantly cutting my salary and then complaining she has no money with which to go shopping! How dare she! She keeps me living on Ramen noodles while she gets to eat cheeseburgers. Honestly she’d prefer escargot and Beuf Wellington but because of the pittance she has to give me to keep me alive, she eats cheeseburgers and McDonald’s Happy Meals. Hey, it’s better than Ramen noodles! She lives in luxury while I’ll waste away in abject poverty. Whoever said life ain’t fair sure got it right.

Of course, I’m just kidding (EB made me say that) but ever dollar you donate helps us to help you. Now with new lower donation levels of $3 and $5 we hope that even more of you will consider being a Cloudeight Booster. And for those who are already Boosters, and would like to donate again.

Please visit this page to learn more

Our Boosters get lots of free gifts and more are coming soon.  So if you’re not currently a Cloudeight Booster, please consider helping us. If you’re already a Cloudeight Booster, our new lower donation levels give you the opportunity to make a small donation whenever you can.

Please visit this page to learn more

Everyone who donates will have to option to be a member of Cloudeight Booster; there is no requirement that you become a Booster when you donate. You can make a donation without becoming a Cloudeight Booster if you choose.

Please visit this page to learn more

We both want to thank you all so much for helping us over the years. To all those who are already Boosters we offer a special big THANK YOU. And for those who are not yet Boosters, we both look forward to welcoming you as a member of our Cloudeight Boosters.

And we thank you ALL for  your support and your help.

Best wishes,

Darcy & TC
Cloudeight Internet

4 thoughts on “Cloudeight Boosters First Anniversary

  1. Margaret

    A word of advice for you TC. You’d better be storing your supply of Ramen noodles in a closed tin container because – I tell ya – mice love them!

    My sincere thanks to you and EB for your continuous help and good advice through the years.

  2. June

    This old Senior is where she is today from learning so many of your info letters. Honestly, I didn’t even know how to turn it on. (that was awhile back). Your huge Friday newsletter has almost too much info in it & by the time I read it right to the bottom of the page…I forget what I read at the beginning
    I am told it will only get worse with time. (I think it’s called a drying up of the brain…
    And by the way….Just get along you two!

  3. Ray Dobson

    Hi Cloudeight, Is there any way I can make a Booster donation except by way of PayPal? PayPal and I don’t see eye to eye anymore. I set up a connection with PayPal using an established email address and new P/Word. 2 months down the track they won’t accept it so I do that again. 2 months later and it’s all the same. No Go. Why can’t I pay you as I have done in the past just using my Credit Card? Thanks for all your Newsletters and daily emails. I look forward to them and read them all which I don’t do for anyone else.
    Kind regards, Ray……

  4. Donald

    I am giving a presentation at my community’s computer club,
    and I will recommend that members use Cloudeight as their
    homepage. I will present a few of your most recent tips on
    Infoave just to demonstrate how helpful EB and TC are to
    the members of our club. I will also recommend that we
    make a donation and become a Cloudeight Booster. Thanks
    for all you both do for us !!


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