Cloudeight freeware goodie – 3/19/2011

By | March 19, 2011

With that out of the way, let’s get to the program. A lot of people enjoy YouTube, including EB and I. There’s a lot of garbage on YouTube, but there’s a lot of good stuff too. A lot of funny stuff, a lot of serious stuff, a lot stuff you might have missed on TV like Super Bowl ads. YouTube is full of stuff – good stuff, bad stuff, tough stuff, weak stuff, general stuff (not the guy from WWII), and stuff you can’t find anywhere else. Did you know that YouTube has some great computer tutorials too?

Enough about YouTube, if you don’t know what YouTube is, you’ve been living in EB’s basement (that’s where she keeps me and her pet tarantulas). It’s dark down here, but she allows me to used this laptop on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays so I can write this newsletter. And she doesn’t feed me until it’s done. She feeds the darn arachnids though. When my duty is done and the newsletters ready to go, she tosses me a slice of stale bread and some gummy worms. On Saturdays she lets me go out in the back yard with my electric collar on so I can’t run away – she has an invisible fence. How does this relate to the freeware pick? Well, there’s video of me on YouTube showing me crawling around on EB’s muddy basement floor being chased by Chester and Winifred – EB’s pet tarantulas. They don’t like me either.

There’s a little screen shot for you. Pay no attention to the scantily clad lady in the bottom left. I honestly didn’t put it there. The author did. Honest. Anyway you type in the search form what you want to find on YouTube – for instance “living with tarantulas” and then little pictures appear in the program. Click a pic and there you go. You get it, right? You don’t need a browser to watch YouTube videos anymore. Hooray!

Now it’s time to say goodbye, to YouTube Videos on the web, and say “hi” to Go Videos and watch your favorite YouTube videos on your desktop sans browser. Get Go Videos here. Yep. It’s today’s freeware goodie..and I’ll bet EB’s tarantulas are on it!

The geeky stuff:

Go Videos is a desktop YouTube player
Download size (total) about 2MB
Air installer (Requires Adobe Air)
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 (32bit & 64bit)

2 thoughts on “Cloudeight freeware goodie – 3/19/2011

  1. Sue

    Golly gee whiz. The link was not activated for the “download here”. It’s just a plain old here.

  2. Sue

    Well, never mind. I found it on February 19, and works fine there.


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