Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly – Issue #885 – Available Online
Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly, Issue #885, was sent to all our subscribers on Friday, September 25, 2020, at approximately 8:15 AM, Eastern Daylight Time (USA).
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You can read Cloudeight InfoAve Weekly – Issue #885 – September 25, 2020, here.
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Since the last update when I go into my email (you set it up for me to go right in from a short cut icon) too often I have to sign in to go into my email. I am not sure why it is asking me to sign in so often as after I put in my name and my password I click on the box below to stay signed in. What or why am I asked to sign in, again, so often?
It sounds to me like you are using some kind of cleaner program like CCleaner or some other program that cleans your browser history – or you have your browser set to clear history on exit – or you’re using some kind of privacy browser or extension. The shortcut only takes you to Gmail, it has nothing to do with your browser or Gmail log in.