Cloudeight Presents: Genie Timeline Home 2014

By | August 13, 2014

Genie Timeline 2014 Makes It Easy To Backup Your Computer
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8.x
Works on 32bit and 64bit systems

Set-It-and-Forget-It-Simplicity Assures That This Is One Backup Program You’ll Actually Use!

The number one reason people don’t backup their computers is because most backup programs are somewhat difficult to use. Most all of the backup programs available require users to be at least have intermediate computer skills in order to use them. Up until now, there hasn’t been a backup software program that is easy for beginners to use, but advanced enough to satisfy even the most skilled computer user.

We have been using Genie Timeline 2014 for almost a year — testing it and putting it through it’s pace. We were very impressed with it’s ease of use.  It’s so easy to set up, even the newest and least experienced computer will be able to setup regular backups and be able to use them should it become necessary to restore from a backup. And it offers “Set it and forget it” simplicity – backups so easy you’ll actually make them!

Get your Genie Timeline Home 2014 license today and save $19.95 off the regular retail price.

Genie Timeline Home 2014 incrementally backing up your files and folders (or your hard drive image) so you always have the latest copy of your files backed up and ready to restore with the click of a button. It doesn’t get any easy than this!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, so a bunch of pictures should be worth a bunch of thousands of words right? You can see from the pictures below, just how simple and elegant Genie Timeline 2014 really is:

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The first step is choosing a drive to store your backups. An external hard drive is perfect for storing backups — and they’re very inexpensive these days too. If you don’t have one, you should get one — it’s good insurance and a wise investment. Don’t get one smaller than 500 GB though – 1 Terabyte is recommended. A 1 TB external drive should cost you less than $80, if you shop around.

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Above: I’ve selected my G:\ drive to store the backup. See?

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Next you can choose what to back up. You can choose to “Select all” and backup everything, or pick what you want to back up. If you choose Smart Selection (see above) it will back up your email, desktop, documents, pictures, music, and videos. If your bookmarks (favorites) are important to you, you can check that box too — or any of the other items if that you want to keep safe.

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A closer view.

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Genie Timeline is preparing your backup based on what you’ve chosen to back up.
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Your back up is created. It’s recommended that the backup be created when you’re not using your computer so that your backup can be made more quickly — and so it doesn’t interfere with your work or play. As you can see above, I have mine set up for 11:40PM tonight. I think I’ll be done working by then.

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We highly recommend that (if you register the program) you download the Disaster Recovery Start up Disk – so you can boot your computer should Windows refuse to boot up.

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And that’s it! Your backup is scheduled to run at 11:40PM and Genie Timeline will keep my backup updated automatically from now on without me doing anything. It’s automatic. And if disaster should strike my computer, all my important files are backed up and safe and sound — and all I had to do was set it up once and forget it.

We’ve made a special purchase of Genie Timeline 2015 licenses .., you save a ton!

Get this $39.95 program for 25% 0ff right now — or get Genie Timeline 2015 with Cloudeight Direct installation and setup for $45.

To get yours, visit this page right now …we have a limited number of Genie Timeline 2015 licenses and when they’re gone the sale ends…so get yours right now before we run out!


15 thoughts on “Cloudeight Presents: Genie Timeline Home 2014

  1. Patricia West


    Do I have to use a new external drive?
    I am backing up but do not know what to do if I needed to use the backup. I really don’t want to buy another external drive.


    1. infoave Post author

      You don’t need a new external drive. All you need is enough space on the external drive you have to backup the files you want to backup. Genie Timeline 2014 Home makes it easy to back up, create a rescue disk and restore files from your backup. It’s the easiest and most intuitive backup program we’ve ever seen.

  2. Judy

    After I back up the first time, I would need to do it every month or whatever time frame I choose? I would have to hook up my external hard drive again and backup again?


    Hi , in your news ketter offer you say I must have an external HD for B/U. However in this demo it shows yu have backed up to your G drive which I presume is in your CPU. Help!

    1. infoave Post author

      Drive letters are assigned by Windows. I have a C:\ and D:\ which are two partitions of the same physical disk. I have an E:\ drive which is the CD/DVD drive. I have an external hard drive (drive letter G)

      By drive letters alone you cannot tell if it’s an external or an internal or a DVD/CD or a flash drive.

      Do you really think we would tell you to do one thing then do the wrong thing ourselves. We might not be the two sharpest knives in the drawer but we are not hypocrites. The thrust of where to store your backups is anywhere else other than the C:\ drive or whatever drive Windows is installed on. To be safe we recommend an external drive or a second internal physical hard drive. Most people are not going to want to open their case and install a hard drive when they could connect an external hard drive in 5 seconds by plugging it into a USB port.

      You have to understand the difference between physical drives and logical drives. A physical drive is exactly what it sounds like – a drive that exists. A logical hard drive refers to partitions on a physical disk. If you have a 3 Terabyte hard drive you may wish to partition it into 3 partitions. The first partition would be C:\, the second D: (or E:) and the third E (or F:). This does not indicate 3 physical hard drives, although without looking at the computer one cannot guess whether C:, D:, E:, F:, G; are physical drives or logical drives all of which are partitions on the same physical drives. One assumes that person using the computer either partitioned the drive himself/herself, or knows it was already partitioned at the factory.

      In short, Drive letters tell you nothing without understanding physical and logical drives and having some kind of access to the computer. Additionally you make want to make a note that CPU is not the computer, it is the central processing unit on the motherboard, Referring to a computer as a CPU is incorrect — we just wanted to point that out. We realize that many years ago some started calling their computers CPUs, but it was incorrect.

  4. Dennis Jones

    Hi I have a 1Tb My Cloud backup as you have stated it is one of the systems which is not very simple to use. At the moment I am getting notices that there has been no backups for sometime, when one opens up My Cloud it shows everything is up to date. I dont want to buy another external hard drive and write this one off can My Cloud be deleted and then Genie Timeline be installed.


    1. infoave Post author

      A cloud backup means your files are stored on another computer on the Internet. Timeline is for backing up locally – it’s not a cloud backup tool by default. You would need an external drive large enough to hold are your files – we suggest an external drive 1 1/2 times the size of your hard drive.

      The problem with image backups in “the cloud”(on a web server) comes if you need to use it. Most people don’t consider how unwieldy it is to have to download an image backup, which many times exceeds 500 or 600 GB – and that’s exactly what you’d have to do if you needed your cloud-based drive image. Not only that but you would need to reinstall Windows first and install the cloud-based backup software to download it. If you store your image backup locally on an external drive, you can use the image without installing Windows first.

      1. Dennis Jones

        The name is misleading everything is stored in a 1.8 Tb drive attached to my router.


  5. Rosa

    I have a WD My Passport Ultra external drive attached to my usb port to my computer. Can I just download Genie and use this drive as is?

  6. Jeff

    I took Cloudeight’s offer on Genie backup and have installed on one of my computers to give it a try.
    Yes one knows to backup preferably to a separate HDD drive that has plenty of free room on it, certainly not on the operating partition on C drive!!
    It certainly is very straight forward and simple to follow the backup interface, simply just a matter of selecting what one wants to backup and the drive where to backup to and let it go!!
    The only things that I have noticed is it seems a little slow in the backup processes and I missed whether I had the option to make a backup folder on my external HDD, but I guess it would have done that anyway!
    I have used Acronis mostly and also Paragon but have found them somewhat confusing and have had failures at restoring with Acronis.
    So, I guess the proof of the pudding will be when it comes to the need of restoring from a backup!!
    I set the backup process going over 2 hours ago and on just checking it still has over 60,000 items to go, at the start it said 243,000 items, so I guess it’s getting there!!
    Yes, it looks pretty good to me at this stage, so thanks to EB and TC for their very much valued advice!!

  7. Raymond

    It sounds like a good and easy program. I have used several b/u programs in my time and I did not find one that does what I want. After doing a complete b/u, once a week I would like to do a b/u but I only want the program to b/u the files that need to be updated and the new files created.
    Will this program do this????

  8. Raymond

    Another quick question. Can we download the program as a trial for 30 days or do we need to purchase up front??


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