Convert Images to PDF Files Quickly and Easily with this Cloudeight Freeware Pick

By | September 19, 2011

The other day I needed to convert a scanned image to PDF. Being a cheap sort, I immediately searched for a freeware application that would convert image files to PDF documents without a great deal of hoopla. I mean who needs hoopla? All I wanted was something that worked and worked well. I found it. It’s called “Image to PDF Converter” and it’s freeware. It works on Windows XP, Windows Vista, and Windows 7 (32 and 64bit). It’s not fancy. That’s a good thing. It’s easy to use. Just select the image you want to convert to PDF document and wham-o – you get real PDF documents that even PDFophiles will love. (Are there such things?)

Here’s the developer’s description:

“Image to PDF Converter Free is a quick and easy-to-use PDF utility that is designed to batch convert image files to PDF document. Just add image files (supports JPG, BMP, PNG, TIF, TGA, GIF formats) to the list and click the Convert button, this software will directly convert them to a PDF document. You may set page size and PDF information, such as title, subject, author, etc. Image to PDF Converter Free is standalone software, Adobe Acrobat Reader is NOT required. And this software doesn’t depend on any print driver so it will NOT install any print driver on your computer.”

You can get Image to PDF Converter (Freeware) from here.

6 thoughts on “Convert Images to PDF Files Quickly and Easily with this Cloudeight Freeware Pick

  1. Hermann Meyer

    Nice app.
    Since I require PDF files from various formats and sources I use “Nitro Pro”, Nitro just requires a “Right” click on any file including pictures and select “convert to PDF” from the drop down menu, that’s as simple as it gets.
    While not free at $99.99, but still less expensive then anything Adobe has and worth every penny if you use PDF a lot like I do. Nitro give you much much more for your buck, check it out at

  2. Bev.

    Oh dear! I downloaded the “Image to PDF Converter” and it immediately added Incredible Mail (my most unwanted program) I uninstalled it immediately (Incredible Mail)! To my surprise it changed my home page to Incredible Mail too!. I am assuming there are still some parts of it somewhere on my computer. Will have to do some looking to get it all off. Is this happening to anyone else!

    1. infoave Post author

      Image to PDF converter does not add anything – nor does it change your homepage to anything. It adds nothing but Image to PDF Converter. So it looks like you clicked on an advertisement on the download page. Please be careful when you download things. Here is the direct link to the download

  3. Kao Baba

    That’s nice, but NOT amazing.

    The excellent freeware progran PDFreDirect v2 can create a PDF file out of ANY program that can ‘print’ (WORD, broswres, Image viewers / editors, etc.) So, just open your image in such a viewer / editor and you’re done!

    The opposite way, i.e.: converting a PDF file into image(s), is much more interesting. Any freeware suggestions for this?

    1. infoave Post author

      PDF Redirect has a confusing interface and worse installs a printer-driver. If all one wants to do is convert an image to PDF file, I’d strongly recommend Image to PDF – it’s far less resource intensive, has a far better and simpler user interface, it’s faster, and it does not install an unnecessary printer driver or show as a printer in Control Panel. I’m not sure why anyone would install PDF Redirect if all they wanted to do was convert image files to PDF. Installing unnecessary drivers in Windows should avoided. I immediately uninstalled PDF Redirect after testing it. There is no way I could recommend this program to someone who only wants to convert an image to a PDF file.

      1. Kao Baba

        Hi TC (or EB?).

        I see your point that if one only wants to convert an image to PDF there is no need for an ‘heavier’ program that installs a virtual printer.

        But remenber that PDFreDirect enables you to maka a PDF out of many other file formats (like a Web page and even older WORD docs, if one doesn’t have WORD 2007 or higher). I use this program a lot, even for concateneting PDF files.

        Thanks for you info an comments.


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