Convert Over 1000 File Types For Free With This Online Tool

By | July 25, 2020



Convert Over 1000 File Types For Free With This Online Tool

Cloudeight Site Pick - Converter365

This is the kind of site pick we love. It’s a site pick that will appeal to just about everyone, regardless of the device or devices they use. Converter365 can convert over 1000 file types. So whether you use Windows, Android, or Apple — or all 3 – Converter365 is a site you’ll want to bookmark.

One of the problems we see a lot is people downloading converters and installing them. Some of them are OK, but some of the are badware. And none of the downloadable converters can converter more than a few file types. When perform your file conversions online, you help keep nasty badware off your computer. And besides, there’s no reason to install something if you really don’t need to? Why gunk up your computer.

Converter365 offers you unlimited file conversions with no wait time in between. And the maximum file size is a generous 200 MB which will cover just about any file you’ll need to convert.

Converter365 can convert files in all of these formats:

  • Archive
  • Audio
  • Document
  • Ebook
  • Image
  • Presentation
  • Spreadsheet
  • Video
  • Vector

If you’ve read enough and you’re ready to convert some files or learn more about this excellent online tool, visit Converter365 here.

But if you’re not convinced yet, the site’s developer has a lot more information for you – you may find it very helpful:

The most popular converters
Not all devices have the same operating systems, and not all of them support the same file formats. That’s why sometimes we need to convert our files from one format to another. In case you were wondering, the most popular converters are usually the ones that are changing formats to MP3, PDF, DOC, JPG, HEIC, AAC, PPT, etc. Why? Because those are the files used for many different tools and software on various devices. We could easily say that they are universal, just like our converter. How to get them? Use one of the following links and make your files available on every device.

If you’re not sure, here are all file categories
As you already know, there are different file categories such as audio files, spreadsheets, images, documents, ebooks, vectors, videos, presentations, and archives, and every single one of them has its subcategories. Although MP3, MP4, PPT, JPG, PNG, PDF, DOC, and ZIP are quite familiar, there are more of them to count. Just to be sure you don’t have any dilemmas about file types and categories, well mention them once more.

For your favorite images, besides JPG, you can use the following: CR2, 3FR, EPS, GIF, NEF, ARW, DCR, JPEG, SVG, PSD, PPM, TIF, TIFF, XCF. You know about PDF and DOCX files, but have you heard about these document formats CSV, DJVU, DOC, HTML, KEY, NUMBERS, ODP, ODS, ODT, PAGES, PPS, PPSX, PPT, PPTX, PS, RTF, TXT, VSD, WPD, WPS, XPS? Music comes in different genres and formats such as AAC, AC3, AIF, AIFC, AIFF, AMR, AU, CAF, FLAC, M4A, M4B, MP3, OGA, SFARK, VOC, WAV, WEBA and WMA.

Videos are the most powerful tool for digital communication, and they come in different formats as well. Those are 3G2, 3GP, 3GPP, AVI, CAVS, DV, DVR, FLV, M2TS, M4V, MKV, MOD, MOV, MP4, MPEG, MPG, MTS, MXF, OGG, RM, RMVB, SWF, TS, VOB, WEBM, WMV and WTV. Bibliophiles have their favorite chapters store in one of the following e-book file formats: AZW, AZW3, AZW4, CBC, CBR, CBZ, CHM, EPUB, FB2, HTM, HTMLZ, LIT, LRF, MOBI, PDB, PML, PRC, RB, SNB, TCR and TXTZ.

And all of the files that we’re just counted are stored in one of the archives with 7Z, ACE, ALZ, ARC, ARJ, BZ, BZ2, CAB, CPIO, DEB, DMG, GZ, IMG, ISO, JAR, LHA, LZ, LZMA, LZO, RAR, RPM, RZ, TAR, TAR.7Z, TAR.BZ, TAR.BZ2, TAR.GZ, TAR.LZO, TAR.XZ, TAR.Z, TBZ, TBZ2, TGZ, TZ, TZO, XZ, Z and ZIP file extensions.

If you ever need to convert file formats, you will certainly want to visit and bookmark Converter365 right now.


4 thoughts on “Convert Over 1000 File Types For Free With This Online Tool

  1. Dawn Campbell

    Seems there are more and more different file types showing up. I, for one, can really use this! Now, just to remember I have this tool! Lol. Thanks a lot.


    Just some feedback re “file converter”….you suggested a different file converter app for pdf formatted docs to WORD conversion, about a year back or so…one which is accessible by right clicking on the file and it works flawlessly. However, your new suggestion for free online conversion of files fails abysmally in this pdf to docx conversion.
    I have not tested it with other files and perhaps its failure in this instance is a one time thing….but you should know that it has failed in my first test of it.

    1. infoave Post author

      You seem to have problems with many things we post. Not sure why. Obviously I didn’t check out the 1000+ converters, but I did check out the Word to PDF and PDF to Word converters (which worked well for me) as well as several image and audio file conversions.

  3. Vilos

    Wow! This is exactly what I need! I am tired of all this websites that convert files with ton of ads, you not sure what happen on every click you make. Thanks for great share!


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