Copy and paste tracking numbers to find out where your packages are

By | December 17, 2013

fedex2Did you know you can copy and past any UPS or FedEx tracking code directly into the address bar of Chrome, IE or Firefox and get one search result that you can click on to get all the information about a shipment? You can, and it’s fast.

Will all the online shopping this year, we’re betting you have a package or two on the way to your house too!



3 thoughts on “Copy and paste tracking numbers to find out where your packages are

  1. A_Hippy_Hillbillie

    Thank you for this cool time-saver tip! I had always went to their respective delivery site and entered the tracking number; what a no hassle time savor!! I just love learning new things, and wholeheartedly believe that we are never to young in learning anything new worthwhile!

    1. infoave Post author

      I think we mentioned FedEx and UPS — I don’t recall mentioning Canada Post. Don’t FedEx and UPS deliver to Canadians too? I’m quite sure they do 🙂


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