There are screenshot programs that are great and there are some not so great. There are some like FastStone Capture that were great and free and now are great and not free. There are screen video capture programs that are not free and some free. But we’ve never seen a program that lets you do screen captures and capture screen videos that is free. We are not saying we know it all, we are saying we have never found one. What do you think, we’ve visited all 1.5 trillion pages on the Web? Seems like we have, but we haven’t.
The screen shot that heads this article was taken with Screenpresso (indeed it was!) and we never took even one second to read the instructions. Had we taken a second to read we would have saved about 3 minutes as we looked all over to find the crop button— but it was there all the time. Sometimes it really does pay to read the instructions :-).
There’s not much this program can’t do. The freeware version doth have its limitations – we’ll be honest. But we can live with them because, well because we are broke and cheap as well. If we were the millionaires we once thought we’d be, we’d have purchased the “premium” version of this program – plus we’d be giving away all sorts of nifty Cloudeight freeware for you – and set an example how giving gives back. But alas, time stole our fortune as we made decision after decision to protect our site visitors by not giving in to companies who wanted us to pollute our stationery files with questionable programs. At times during the year we serve over 40,000 downloads a day. Some people were offering to pay us 50 cents to $1 if we stuck their junk in our software downloads. now it doesn’t take a mathematics prof to figure out we could have been making $20,000 to $40,000 a day. But we didn’t give in to greed and now we’re fighting to keep our little business alive. But at least we don’t have to worry about betraying those who came to count on us.
Oh, I digress 🙂
If you’re looking for a screen capture program and a screen video recorder – all in one and all for free, then you should take a look at Screenpresso. The freeware version will be all most of you will ever need. If you’re a stickler for features and you don’t want your videos to be branded with “Created using Screenpresso” you can cough up the roughly $30 for the premium version. The screen capture stills are not branded as you can clearly (we hope) see by looking at the image at the top of this article. If you want to compare the features of the free version with the features of the premium version, be out guest.
Hi Ho! It’s off to the photoshoot we go.
The details you crave:
A very different kind of screen shot creator/maker
Works with Windows XP, Vista, Seven (32bit/64bit)
7.41 MB download file size
Does this program allow me to capture the entire item, more than just the one page on screen to save and to print?
It has many options for capturing just a window, a portion of the screen, the whole screen, etc. The Web site has all this information on it.