Dazzles Slashbucket and Captain Rocketberg Present…

By | October 26, 2019



Dazzles Slashbucket and Captain Rocketberg Present…

Have Some Fun With a New Name

It’s the weekend – at least it was when we wrote this – and it’s time to relax and waste a little time, eh?

So why not have some fun – by yourself or with your kids, grandkids, or with a crazy neighbor. We got you covered I tells ya!

We’re going to introduce you to two “funny” name generators. Ready?

Christmas Name Generator

Christmas is on the way – I know it’s hard to believe, but it is. Maybe it’s time you had a more “Christmassy” name.

Cloudeight Fun Stuff
Perfect name for my partner Darcy- Dazzles Slashbucket.

Cloudeight Fun Stuff
EB will call me “Captain” from now on!

Don’t forget to change the character to generate more funny names.

Cloudeight Fun Stuff

Cloudeight Fun Stuff

If you’re feeling Christmassy or just looking to have some fun, visit this site to waste some time, have some laughs, and generate some new names.

James Bond Novel Villian Name Generator

Maybe you’d rather have a name with more clout – like a James Bond novel villain name.

Cloudeight Fun Stuff
Darcy becomes “Professor Fanny King” in a James Bond novel. The evil professor – how fitting!

Cloudeight Fun Stuff
Notice that I go from a Captain in the Christmas name generator to a Colonel when using the James Bond novel villain generator. Maybe I’ll go fry some chicken.

Wanna be a villain straight out of a James Bond novel? OK! Just visit this page and generate your own “villainish” name.

I need not say anymore.  You don’t need any instructions. Just go and generate some names. Who knows, maybe one of them will stick. I know for sure, I’ll call Darcy “Dazzles Slashbucket: from now on.

Where’s my paycheck, Dazzles?</span7

One thought on “Dazzles Slashbucket and Captain Rocketberg Present…

  1. JonInOz

    Thank you Captain and Dazzles

    Kind Regards,

    Lieutenant Konstantin Wayama
    I put this name in the James Bond name generator
    and became General Sergei Kriegler, James Bond becomes
    Lieutenant Andrei Bergenstein.

    Cloud Eight is Dr. Amadeus Karlof, possibly a relative of Boris Karlof. (-:

    (Every John is Sergei …. people in America can now to go to the sergei !)


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