Don’t like Windows Live? Get the real Windows Movie Maker

By | April 23, 2011

Sandy wants to know why Windows Movie Maker isn’t the same on Windows 7
I like Windows 7 but I really don’t like what they’ve done with Windows Live Mail and movie maker. I know there’s not much I can do about Windows Live Mail other than use another program or put up with it – but is there some way I can get Windows Movie Maker back? I loved the one I had on my Windows Vista computer, and used it all the time. My family loved watching our photos on our big screen TV. Am I out of luck? You guys have help me and my family so many times with your newsletters and answers to my questions. Thanks so much. Sandy.

Our Answer
For some reason, Microsoft not only left Windows Mail out of Windows 7, it also left out Windows Movie Maker – which we thought worked rather well. We’ve used Windows Movie Maker to make some great movies out of digital images. We say “movies” – because they’re more than slide shows….but they’re not really quite movies either. Windows 7 includes Windows Live Movie Maker which is a cloud-based application and not the same as Windows Movie Maker that was included in previous Windows versions.


Windows Movie Maker lets you take digital photos and add special effects, fade-ins, fade-outs, music, titles, captions an more – then burn your movie to a DVD and play it on DVD player so you can watch your digital photos come to life on your big screen TV.

Windows 7 does not include Windows Movie Maker; it is part of the Windows Live Essentials package which includes Windows Live Mail and other applications of questionable usefulness.

If you, like us, are not fond of Windows Live anything, and you’d like to use Windows Movie Maker on Windows 7, you’ll be glad to know you can download Windows Movie Maker 2.6 and use it on Windows 7. And before you write and tell us that Microsoft doesn’t list Windows 7 on the download page (it says it’s for Windows Vista), pay no heed: we’ve tested Windows Movie Maker 2.6 on Windows 7 and it installs and runs just fine.

You can download Windows Movie Maker 2.6 from this link. It’s free and it works great on Windows 7.

3 thoughts on “Don’t like Windows Live? Get the real Windows Movie Maker

  1. Gerald W Oakley

    if you search long enough you can still download windows live mail 2009 , its waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than the new crappy one, just remember to add it to your do not download and install list in windows updates

  2. Dan Lumley

    Sorry by the MS Movie Maker 2.6 does not run fine because to final outcome for DVD will not even come close to the vista computer because they down graded to a lower definition picture…..

    1. infoave Post author

      Works great on four of our computers. We can’t test it on yours though.


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