Download a Free Windows 7 Troubleshooting E-Book from Microsoft

By | August 27, 2011

Microsoft doesn’t give much stuff away for free. But they do offer a free E-book. It’s very short. It is called “What You Can Do Before You Call Tech Support”. If you’re new to Windows 7 or if you’re having some problems with Windows 7, this e-book may help you. It will provide you with suggestions on how to solve basic issues which are commonly encountered in Windows 7. This E-book is a handy reference tool, since it’s basically a compilation of Windows 7 troubleshooting tips. Besides it’s free. And it’s from Microsoft. And in this case that’s not an oxymoron.

Get “What You Can Do Before You Call Tech Support” by Microsoft from this link. Yes! Really. It’s free.

5 thoughts on “Download a Free Windows 7 Troubleshooting E-Book from Microsoft

  1. Ken Roberts

    I will share with my sister brother mother-in law ,wife and all my friends, and assorted aliens,….

  2. Ken Roberts

    My first response was just being funny , but after I read much of the PDF that I downloaded, it is a worth while down load it tells we have a brain so why not use it . it is very comprehensive in that it has boiler plate language in it so that even I could understand it .This PDF down load could save many hours of frustration and fix your computer before you know it .Thank you TC and EB I am helped once more with your recommendation. And all you people that have a little extra in your pocket we and you need to keep this ship afloat so buy something or donate now . It really is that good of a news letter . I will donate when I can .

    1. infoave Post author

      Make sure you don’t have firewalls or security programs or safe-surfing toolbars like WOT blocking your downloads. Also note that download managers don’t work on many sites anymore – nor are they needed anymore — most all browsers these days support resuming of downloads. So even if you still have dial-up, there is no reason for a download manager.

  3. Anne Stewart

    Thank you so much TC and EB, this is something all new Win7 users should have…a great reference.


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