Eight quick and easy Windows tips

By | May 3, 2011

1. Lock your computer

Press Win+L to lock your computer.

2. Switch user

Switch users without going through the Welcome screen. Click CTRL/ALT/DELETE to open Task Manager. Click the “Users” tab in Task Manager, right-click a User name and select Connect.

3.Hibrernate computer

Hold down the shift key in the shutdown dialog to change “Stand By” to “Hibernate”. Or just press H to hibernate instantly. You can also use the Power Control Panel to configure your power button to hibernate.

4.Choose details

Open Windows Explorer. From the View Menu, select “Choose Details” to select which file properties should be shown in the Explorer window. To sort items by a file property, check its name in the “Choose Details” in order to make that property available in the “Arrange Icons by” menu.

5.Display volume control icon in taskbar

To display the volume control icon in the taskbar, click Start/Control Panel then go to Sounds and Audio Devices and select “Place volume icon in the taskbar”.

6.Delete a file without sending it to the recycle bin

Hold down the shift key when deleting a file to delete it immediately. It won’t go to the Recycle Bin first, it will be deleted. Use with care.

7. Open your browser  to full-screen mode

To run Internet Explorer, Firefox or Chrome in full-screen mode just press the F11 key. Press it again to return to normal-mode.

8. Go backward or forward when browsing the Web using only your mouse wheel

To move backward or forward while browsing the Web with Internet Explorer or Firefox, hold the Shift key while turning the mouse wheel to go forward or backward.

4 thoughts on “Eight quick and easy Windows tips

  1. Allison

    Hi in your first tip to lock your PC “win+L” how do you then unlock??

  2. Joanne Striegler

    Is there a way to delete the password? I don’t need to unlock my laptop as I am the only user. But the tip on locking it is handy.
    Thank you.

    1. infoave Post author

      What if your laptop were stolen. You should always use a password, even if you’re the only user.


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