Emsisoft Receives Another Award

By | January 7, 2018

Emsisoft Receives Another Award

A few years back, after Malwarebytes and Windows Security Essentials both let users down ( see our articles on Malwarebytes here and here ) we began testing other antimalware and antivirus solutions. After several weeks of intense testing, we found Emsisoft protected computers better than any other security product we tested.

But even thought we found that Emsisoft worked the best of any security product we tested to protect users from the kinds of threats they are  most likely to encounter, we still wanted to make sure that their customer support and their company were as good as their software.

So we put them to the test. We wrote them for help – long before they new who we were or that we were testing their software looking for an excellent security product. They answered our emails asking for help not within 24 hours, but with in an hour or two.

Today, we are proud to be partners with Emsisoft in the never-ending battle to keep everyone protected while online. We consider the Emsisoft team not only business associates, but friends as well.

We could have made more money selling McAfee or Norton or one other the big names offering (at the time) 50% commissions and higher.  But none of them did the job. What we found out was that viruses were not the main cause of users’ misery – it was malware like PUPs, hijackers, software bundles that installed questionable software on users’ computers without their knowledge and/or consent that were the real culprits. Emsisoft was the only security product we tested that was highly rated as an antivirus application – and also prevented malware infections of the type users were almost sure to encounter.

And Emsisoft has only gotten better since.  Over the years, we have become even more proud of our association with Emsisoft and the Emsisoft team. In fact, as more and more Cloudeight subscribers and members install Emsisoft we’re getting fewer and fewer support request for computer problems that are caused by malicious software.

We offer several Emsisoft options including Emsisoft single PC licenses, multi-PC license, Emsisoft with Cloudeight Installation and more – all at discounted prices from our Emsisoft page.

So today, we’re pleased to announce that Emsisoft has won another prestigious award from the unaffiliated, independent Antivirus testing lab AV-Comparatives.  With Emsisoft’s permission,  we are re-posting an article which appeared on January 4, 2018 on the Emsisoft Blog.

Congratulations, Emsisoft!

Emsisoft scores highest award in AV-Comparatives test


Another day, another award!

Independent antivirus software testing group Av-Comparatives have released the results of their recent Whole Product Dynamic “Real-World” Protection Test and we’re happy to report that Emsisoft Anti-Malware has once again received the highest award possible.

“Real-world” protection testing

Unlike some types of antivirus tests that tend to focus on a particular component of security software (typically signatures or heuristic file scanning), Av-Comparatives’ most recent experiment took a more holistic approach. The award-winning Whole Product Dynamic “Real-World” Protection Test allows security suites to use any and all protection features (URL blockers, content filters, behavior blockers and more) to prevent infection at any stage of the process. This is intended to reflect the expanding scope of IT security.

To simulate a real-world environment, the AV-Comparatives team compiled an extensive list of test cases made up of 1,769 malicious websites and malware that currently pose a risk to ordinary users. Every security product was installed on an internet-connected test computer, which was manually updated every day, and every antivirus suite was updated before being subjected to the malware. Testing took place between July and November 2017, and the results have just recently been released.

Emsisoft walks away with the top award

We are delighted to see that our flagship product was more than up to meeting the demands of the challenging test environment. Not only did Emsisoft Anti-Malware achieve an impressive 99.1 percent protection rate, it also excelled in the false alarm component of the test, which is a critical part of delivering a smooth user experience. With a false positive rating of just 11 (lower is better), Emsisoft came in well below the average of 18 and was miles below some products that raised as many as 132 false flags during testing.


Ultimately, scoring strongly during the protection and false positive testing helped Emsisoft Anti-Malware earn the highest accolade possible – the AV-Comparatives Advanced+ Award for the Real-World Protection Test December 2017…


8 thoughts on “Emsisoft Receives Another Award

  1. Beverly

    I want to thank you two for looking out for all of us by finding Emi-soft to protect our Internet world. You deserve an award for searching for the top notch safety program. It is so great to be on my computers everyday and not worried about safety although I am very cautious on where I click to do my part. I have it on three computers. Desktop and a Lenovo 15 inch and a Microsoft Surface Pro. Thank you very much.


    Thank you for this information. Recently I had personally experienced their helpful and friendly staff and kept me from experiencing the consequences of my misunderstanding of my status. They make their customers feel safe and appreciated and we appreciate them. They have earned their award by the type of work they are known for by the many they have faithfully helped. We are thankful.

  3. Charlotte Mitchell

    The two times I’ve needed to call Emsisoft the response was both extremely courteous and immediate. One of the techs worked with me for several days to solve a problem – and I’ve had no difficulty since that time. Emsisoft is by far the best security I’ve found and the additional award is well deserved. Thank YOU for recommending them!

  4. Yvonne

    I too love this product! On the few occasions I’ve had to contact them, service was quick and solved! Their customer service is excellent and so is their product. It’s my third year with them and thank you for finding them for us!

  5. Peggy Dorgan

    Emsisoft, without doubt, is the best in its field. I contacted them when Microsoft created a devastating problem for me during an update. These guys went way above & beyond what was necessary to help me & did it in a very friendly & courteous manner. I will be a lifetime customer.

  6. Marilyn McKerchie

    I am so happy with Emsisoft service. It puts my mind to rest when I am on my computer every day and always watching for problems to pop up. I feel confident that Emsisoft is the best for me, whether I am working on my laptop or PC. Thank you Emsisoft!!

  7. D.

    I’m still pleased with Emsisoft at this time. They seem to keep going in the right direction from what I have been seeing. I really hope it stays that way. Thanks for recommending it back then.

  8. Keith Hill

    I myself, sure miss being able to have the peace of mind and security I felt while using Emsisoft. Unfortunately, I bought a Mac Desktop computer and Emsisoft does not work on the IOS platform. Who knows though, one day they might and on that day I will once again be a steady customer.


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