Even Microsoft employees – who should no better – fall for phishing scams. It appears that a group of miscreants known as the Syrian Electronic Army fooled some Microsoft employees into giving up their Microsoft email account credentials thus allowing access into the bowels of Microsoft. (Yuck!). Anyway, you really need to be careful not to fall for emails which ask you to change or verify your username or password and then provice you a link or an image to click on to do so. No organization we know of would ever ask you to click a link in an email in order for you to change or verify your password.
If you’re interested in learning more, and we hope you are, read on:
Microsoft confirms Syrian Electronic Army email intrusion
It seems not even Microsoft employees are immune to phishing attacks.
Microsoft confirmed today that the Syrian Electronic Army managed to break into its internal email accounts last week by phishing the passwords of a small number of Microsoft employees.
“A social engineering cyberattack method known as phishing resulted in a small number of Microsoft employee social media and email accounts being impacted,” a Microsoft spokesperson said in an email to GeekWire. “These accounts were reset and no customer information was compromised. We continue to take a number of actions to protect our employees and accounts against this industry-wide issue.”
Last week, the SEA broadcast a few messages from the @Xbox and @MSFT_News Twitter accounts, as well as the Official Microsoft Blog, though they were quickly taken down, and Microsoft said at the time that no user data was compromised…
Read the rest of this article at http://goo.gl/HGzVFh .
Even though this is no relation——-Ha-Ha Microsoft, this is what you get for taking my Windows XP away!!!
Linda ,
Could not have said my sentiments any better….
The question should be Are you smarter than a 65 year old who reads Cloudeight InfoAve?