50 Shades of Stupid…NOT! Find Good Alternatives to the software you like
This might have been Fifty Shades of Stupid, but it’s not. It’s about finding good alternatives to the software you like.
I really wanted to write an article called fifty shades of stupid, but alas, EB got out the whip and threatened me. I was going to start out by referencing the best-selling book and hit movie “Fifty Shades of Grey”. I really did attempt to read it but the writing was so puerile and grade-schoolish I never got passed page seventy-five. I concluded if men actually treated women this way, they’d either be shot or incarcerated…or both. And to think this novel was written by a chubby woman…and I don’t mean EB 🙂
However… I digress…
If you’re looking for alternatives to your favorite software then we have a site you might really like. Why would you be looking for alternatives to your favorite software? Well, I dunno actually. Say your favorite programs were once free but are no more. Or…say you were a dyed-in-the-wool Windows XP fan and your machine went up in smoke and you ventured down to your local computer store only to learn – to your horror – that Microsoft stop selling Windows XP 10 years ago. So you brought home a brand new Windows 8.1 computer and some of your favorite programs that ran so well on XP don’t run at all on Windows 8.1. Or maybe you’re just capricious and don’t want to keep the ball in the same park all the time. Maybe you want to stretch your software horizons. Who knows? Not me!
I know you’re thinking right now that I am one of the fifty shades of stupid – and you may well be right. So I’m going to turn this over to those who are more erudite than I, that would be the developers of alternativeTo:
We have one mission: helping you find the right software for your computer, mobile phone or tablet. Our main focus is to give you alternatives to software you already know and want to replace.
Based on our users recommendations we list great alternatives to the applications you want to replace. By joining the site you can participate in the process of making these recommendations better, so please join in!
Short and sweet, eh? Someday I’m going to learn how to do that, I promise. For now though, I’m just going to give you a link so you can find alternatives to the software you love. Here is the link to alternativeTo  – do in peace and I hope you find what you’re looking for.
Stay tuned for “Fifty Shades of Stupid” – I am already composing in my head.
I like the bird. Great effort, Darcy. No doubt you designed it.
I like the bird. Great effort, Darcy. There’s no doubt you drew it.
A “Dove” for love & peace! Outstanding!
TC & EB, thank you for sharing this 50+ shades of various alternatives to software of all kinds, types, and platforms. 🙂
Based on all the negative comments I have heard about 50 Shades Of Grey, or should that be Gray, Dorian, The Picture Of, because when I first saw the movie it was black, white and grey.
However, the book, Fifty Shades Of Grey would look it’s best as a perfect shade of grey, a pile of grey ashes.
“Una Paloma Blanca” for EB