Fix Your Windows 10 Start Menu With a Click

By | September 11, 2016

Fix Your Windows 10 Start Menu With a Click

There are more of you using Windows 10 than any other version except Windows 7. We think Windows 10 is an excellent operating system, but it’s not perfect. One of the biggest and most annoying problems reported by Windows 10 users (including TC) is the problem with the Windows 10/s start menu. The problem is, that for no reason and all of a sudden, the Windows 10 start menu will stop working. And while there are hundreds, even thousands of forum posts on how to fix a broken start menu, very, very few of them actually work (trust me, I’ve tried many of them).

We were excited to learn that recently Reg Organizer has added a tweak to fix the Windows 10 start menu issue with just one click and a reboot. (If you don’t have Reg Organizer, you can get it on sale here!)

If you have the newest version of Reg Organizer installed, open it and click on Tweaks in the left pane.


When you do, you’ll see the first tweak listed is “Fix the Start Menu (Enable if your Start Menu does not work in Windows 10)”


Click it and enable the Start Menu fix by turning it on.


After your turn it on, you’ll need to restart your computer before your Windows 10 Start Menu will work. Quick fix!

And this is another reason why Registry Organizer is much more than a registry optimizer and cleaner. It’s a system cleaner, startup manager, uninstaller, Windows tweaker, and more. It’s a Swift Army knife of useful utilities every Windows user from the most inexperienced to the old pro can use. It make Windows life a lot simpler. We’re putting Reg Organizer on sale this weekend so those of you who don’t have it can get it a special price. The regular retail price is $39.95. Our regular discounted price is $29.95. But right now you can get Reg Organizer for just $25 – you save $14.95 OFF regular retail and $4.95 off our regular discounted price.

What are you waiting for? Get the Swiss Army Knife of Windows utilities – get Reg Organizer – On Sale Now!


12 thoughts on “Fix Your Windows 10 Start Menu With a Click

  1. Robert Northam

    I don’t have a problem with Windows Start Menu. Just exactly what is the issue?

    1. infoave Post author

      We do not say that everyone has a problem with the start menu on Windows 10. We said one of he biggest problems reported by users is the problem with the start menu – here’s what the article says:

      One of the biggest and most annoying problems reported by Windows 10 users (including TC) is the problem with the Windows 10 start menu. The problem is, that for no reason and all of a sudden, the Windows 10 start menu will stop working. And while there are hundreds, even thousands of forum posts on how to fix a broken start menu, very, very few of them actually work (trust me, I’ve tried many of them).

  2. Shirley Johnson

    I don’t have a problem with Windows Start Menu. What is the problem with it?

    1. infoave Post author

      We do not say that everyone has a problem with the start menu on Windows 10. We said one of he biggest problems reported by users is the problem with the start menu – here’s what the article says:

      One of the biggest and most annoying problems reported by Windows 10 users (including TC) is the problem with the Windows 10 start menu. The problem is, that for no reason and all of a sudden, the Windows 10 start menu will stop working. And while there are hundreds, even thousands of forum posts on how to fix a broken start menu, very, very few of them actually work (trust me, I’ve tried many of them).

  3. Randy Gerhart

    Is Reg Organizer OK to use if you have an SSD drive instead of a HDD?
    I am interested an have downloaded the trial version, but want to know if there is anything I
    should avoid in this program having an SSD.

    1. infoave Post author

      Reg Organizer is not a disk defragger, it’s a registry organizer, cleaner, system tweaker, uninstaller and more- you can use it on SSDs. It does defrag the registry but this is not the same as defragging hard drive.

      1. A_Hippy_Hillbillie

        Reg Organizer is not a disk defragger, it’s a registry organizer, cleaner, system tweaker, uninstaller and more; you >can< use it on SSDs. It does defrag the registry but this is not the same as defragging hard drive.

  4. paul sandusky

    I use Auslogic’s Registry Cleaner and Registry Defrag. Easy, simple and good options available. and they are FREE.

    1. infoave Post author

      We recommend Reg Organizer for its panoply of features. We have tested a dozen “free” registry cleaners and some cause serious problems. And, as most experts will tell you, you don’t need a registry cleaner & defragger anyway. Indeed, we recommend Reg Organizer for its other features.

      This is from Ed Bott (noted Windows expert ):

      “…Don’t run registry cleaner programs, period. I won’t go so far as to call them snake oil, but what possible performance benefits can you get from “cleaning up” unneeded registry entries and eliminating a few stray DLL files? Even in the best-case scenario the impact should be trivial at best. Maybe a second or two here and there, maybe a few kilobytes of freed-up RAM, and I’m being generous. How can you balance those against the risk that the utility will “clean” (in other words, delete) something you really need, causing a program or feature to fail?…”

      We recommend Reg Organizer for its many other features.

      Sometimes you just get what you pay for.

  5. Anthony Tonda

    I have the latest version of Reg Organizer, 7.40 Release date 7/28/2016. but the Fix Windows Start Menu tweak Does not appear in the Tweaks options.. What would I do if Wndows Start Menu stops working. You don’t say.

    1. infoave Post author

      Reg Organizer 7.40

      Reg Orgnaizer 7.40 does have the tweak to fix the Windows 10 Start menu.

      Fix Windows 10 Start Menu tweak


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