Free (and Easy) Ebooks

By | April 1, 2020



Free (and Easy) Ebooks

One of my favorite things to do in my free time is to read good books. And during this strange and frightening time when the novel coronavirus pandemic has many of us hunkering down at home what could be a better escape from the uncertainty and worry that has gripped the world than a really good book.

And what could be better than a good free ebook?  There are a lot of sites offering free ebooks. But sometimes it’s not easy to get those free books on your device. For instance, I use my Fire tablet and the Kindle app to read ebooks.

I normally buy my ebooks from Amazon, but occasionally, I’ll on the prowl search for free books. Who doesn’t like free?

But on some free ebook sites have to download the ebook and sideload it into Kindle. I always wonder why I have to go through all that rigamarole just to read an ebook on my Kindle. All this downloading and sideloading- what’s up with all that? When I buy ebooks from Amazon they show up in my library and all I have to do is select it and read it.  No monkeying around sideloading, ya know?

Then I found a site that makes choosing, installing and reading ebooks as easy as getting them directly from Amazon. And with a selection of hundreds of free ebooks, I can always find something to read.

But what if you don’t read ebooks on Kindle? No problem. Our site pick offers free ebooks for Nook (B&N), Apple (iPad), Google (Android), and Kobo.

BookBub offers hundreds of free ebooks in several popular formats and the list of free ebooks is always changing so there’s always something new on the list.

Let’s let BookBub speak for BookBub, shall we?

Looking for free ebooks? BookBub features limited-time offers for the best free books in over twenty genres, from both top-tier publishers and critically-acclaimed independent authors. These free ebooks are available on all devices, including Kindle, Nook, iPad, and Android. Check out some of our current selections:

Cloudeight Site Pick - Free Ebooks, BookBub

Cloudeight Site Pick Free Ebooks - Bookbub

If you look at the screenshots above you’ll see how it works, Just scroll through the list of hundreds of free ebooks, read the short review, pick out a good book and then click on the button that matches your reader. That’s it.

There’s never been a better time to lose yourself in a good book and there’s no easier way to find ebooks for your reader than to visit this section of our site pick BookBub.

BookBub also offers a very nice selection of ebooks for sale at discounted prices too.


3 thoughts on “Free (and Easy) Ebooks

  1. Virginia Borders

    You guys just don’t know how welcome and timely this email is! Just yesterday I ordered my very first Kindle thru Amazon, I’ll be needing this website later on this week – FOR SURE! More and more I appreciate Cloudeight and the help you two are for us stay-at-home dinosaurs. Constantly. And especially now, this is the perfect thing to take our minds off of the state of the world right now. I hope I enjoy the Kindle the way I’ve always loved books. You two be sure to stay in and away from the crowds now, stay hopeful – and safe.
    Many Thanks,

  2. Linda

    Great find! I’ll check it out right now.
    Thanks so much Linda

  3. Mary

    BookBub is great. I’ve been using it for years. You can state your preferences as to the genres of books you would like notified of so you won’t be sent details of books you have no interest in. I’m in the UK so it’s not just for US citizens.


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