Free Legal Advice and More!

By | May 12, 2019

Free Legal Advice, Free Insurance Advice, Free Senior Care Advice:

First of all, this article is over 1200 words long (1214 to be exact). And I know that you’re thinking that it’s mostly just me yammering on and on as usual… but NO! NO! NO! I tells ya! Our ramblings account for less than a paltry 450 words of the total verbiage of this dandy work of art.

I admit, rarely do I find anyone, who can claim to be my equal when it comes to yammering on and on. But ladies and gentlemen, I’ve met my match! I’ve finally found someone who can yammer on and on better than I can – and wouldn’t you know – it’s a bunch of lawyers! (EB. Is it a bunch of lawyers, a pack of lawyers, a flock of lawyers, or a group of lawyers?) But there’s a lot more here than babble. Much like our newsletters and posts, there’s gold in those kinds of babbles.

Unfortunately, most of us mortals need medical or legal advice during the course of our lives. And when we do, we’re exposed to another world of people who exist on different planes than the rest of us.  They think they live on a higher plane, but that’s up for debate. Anyway… they are called “doctors” and “lawyers”. They look down upon us. The look down their noses at us, the poor, huddled masses, with pity or scorn and often greed– and sometimes all of the aforementioned. 

We are the huddled masses, right?

There is one rule to follow when it comes to doctors and lawyers: Never ask either of them for free advice. That usually results in a severe look of disdain from the doctor or lawyer, a huge chortle from anyone who overhears you asking, and most likely, a bill for $1197.16 in your mailbox a few days later. Did you know that anything over 1.25 minutes = 1 billable hour for an attorney?  

Digging around for something free to feature, I’ve found a place where you can actually get free advice, without the looks of disgust and disdain, without the humiliating chortles, and without a huge bill in your mailbox. It’s called “”. offers free legal advice, insurance advice and Senior Care Advice. The latter being an entire section devoted to seniors like EB and me and some of you!

Yay! for being old!

Anyway, here’s what the developers say about themselves (you might want to grab a cup of coffee or a cold one because these folks are anything but taciturn):

About is a unit of Advice Company (formerly Advice and Counsel Incorporated) founded in 1991, and an Internet leader since 1995.

The Company has an experienced, dedicated and technologically savvy Management Team, founded by a serial entrepreneur who also is a nationally recognized, top-rated attorney who became President & CEO of a unit of one of America’s largest and most respected insurance companies. Benefiting from the input of its distinguished Board of Directors, the company is privately owned, primarily by members of its Management Team, with a minority interest held by several sophisticated outside investors.

Among the Company’s ventures are:

AttorneyPages®, at, an easy to use consumer oriented national directory of qualified attorneys, lawyers and law firms that provides marketing and lead generation services for attorneys and law firms.

Expert Pages®, at, the original and leading Internet directory of expert witnesses and consultants, which has been repeatedly recognized as “best in class” by other leading legal publishers. ExpertPages became a unit of the Company’s affiliate Adviceco Ventures Company on April 1, 2015.

FreeAdvice®, at,the first and still most visited legal and insurance information and advice website for consumers. With extensive information covering over 130 legal subjects and every type of insurance, it has been winning acclaim from national media since 1996.

Advice & Counsel Newsletter, a financial security and legally oriented print newsletter that has been distributed each month for over 15 years to tens of thousands of clients of major insurance and financial services companies. Among its customers have been Allianz, Chase, Fortis, ING, Modern Woodmen, Wellpoint and Zurich.

For the first 12 years of its existence, the Company also was a principal of, then the leading independent home improvement, maintenance and repair site, which was acquired in January, 2007 by Internet Brands Inc.

Headquartered just 3 miles north of the Golden Gate Bridge in Sausalito, California, with offices on San Francisco Bay, the Company or its affiliates maintain offices and/or contract staff in the Chicago, IL., New York, NY., and Washington, DC metropolitan areas.

The easy-to-understand legal content on was prepared and is continually updated by nationally respected specialists at dozens of leading American law firms, by highly credentialed attorneys and legal professionals on the Company’s legal and editorial staffs, and by the Company’s extensive network of participating attorneys.

The insurance information at was prepared and is updated by leading insurance experts who view insurance from the consumer’s perspective, and includes extensive consumer reviews.

We welcome submission of original high quality legal, insurance and financial / investment content, including articles, Q&As, how to’s, videos, and interactive tools for publication on our sites, and welcome visitor suggestions for new and expanded material.

Our FreeAdvice Forums at are the Internet’s most visited consumer legal forums. Consumers can pose questions and receive answers and suggestions from other consumers, experts and attorneys in 50 topics.

Our FreeAdvice ‘Ask a Lawyer’ service enables consumers to ask questions of lawyers, and receive answers from attorneys at no charge. seeks to provide the most useful, easy-to-understand, comprehensive and balanced legal information, general legal advice, and insurance help and to consumers and small businesses. It also helps connect consumers to attorneys and insurance professionals to get personal advice, help and solutions for their legal and insurance problems.

Online for over nearly 20 years, has won numerous awards and honors. It was voted the “most extremely useful” legal website for consumers in the USA Today – Intelli-Quest Poll, selected by PC World as one of the Best 125 Free Sites on the entire Web, named the legal site of the year by Access Magazine and highlighted as one of the 100 featured sites of PC Magazine’s Best 1000 websites. FreeAdvice has received repeated accolades and top recognition on many radio and TV shows and in such highly respected publications as the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Post’s and Forbes Magazine’s “Best of the Web” the leading legal website for consumers. also has benefited from advice and input from members of its former Editorial Advisory Board comprised of distinguished attorneys, including law school deans and law professors, consumer advocates, former senior Government officials, senior partners at several of America’s leading law firms, and senior counsel in leading corporate law departments and consumer organizations.’s affiliated legal directory of consumer-oriented lawyers,, has been a leading source of information about lawyers nationwide for nearly 20 years and serves an a helpful resource for consumers and small business owners who wish to retain qualified counsel to represent them…”

I feel vindicated! I feel humbled. I pale in comparison to these wonderful web wizards of veracious verbosity!

And don’t worry folks. Don’t let the verbiage dissuade you. There’s a wealth of really great free information and advice on So, now the time has come (finally) to sum up this long inflated screed.  if you’re looking for legal advice, insurance advice or senior care advice and you don’t want to pay for it, or can’t afford to pay for it, take a gander at this Cloudeight Site Pick —

4 thoughts on “Free Legal Advice and More!

  1. Lynn S.

    Gee, my husband is a doctor and I have certainly have never known him to look down on anyone, least of all his patients.
    He often fills out forms for free, and makes house calls for elderly patients, on his own time. Generalizations are unkind.

    1. infoave Post author

      You must be new here. Most of what I write is tongue-in-cheek. If you read the article I make fun of myself for being a verbose yammerer. I make fun of my partner Darcy, I make fun of the site we’re featuring. Sorry if I offended you, but I’ve never known many doctors who give free advice. If your hubby gives free advice, let me know! 🙂 I know a lot of people with a lot of questions.

  2. Lynn S.

    Not new here at all. I’ve been getting your newsletters since 2000. Unfortunately people give doctors (and lawyers) a bad rap…until they desperately need one themselves. Yes, he has given lots of free advice, but only in the area of medicine.

    1. infoave Post author

      I guess you must have missed the part about tongue-in-cheek, me ridiculing myself, Darcy, and the editors/lawyers of the site we were featuring. I’m quite sure everyone reading my article got my tone of “kidding”. I’m sure sorry you didn’t; I’m sorry you were offended.


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