Freeware Pick 3/11/2011

By | March 11, 2011

Smart Web Printing
For Windows  XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7
Internet Explorer 6, 7, and 8
18.32 MB Windows Installer

What is Smart Web Printing? Duh! It’s an Internet Explorer add-on that makes clipping and printing sections of Web pages a snap. A real plagiarist’s dream. An intellectual property nightmare. A copyright thief’s delight. Nah…I’m  just kidding. This is a really cool tool from a company I can’t say much good about: HP. They had a crazy woman CEO once, now she’s a politician. She’s taken all her parachutes from HP and wants to be president or something like that. No, not president of HP, the President of the United States. See? No wonder HP invented this “plagiarism made easy!” add-on for Internet Explorer. Why steal a whole Web page when you only wanted to clip that cool paragraph about otters that carry mobile phones. You know the one? The one about the ottermobiles?

Don’t worry, we’re not going to blather on and on and on about this “little” add-on for Internet Explorer. Wait? The darn add-on is bigger than Internet Explorer? Nope. Internet Explorer is just a bit bigger than this add-on. What do you expect? Internet Explorer is from the same folks that brought you the T-mobile debacle. Microsoft.

If you really want to know more about this time-saving add-on for Internet Explorer – and you’re the type that likes to snip little pieces of Web pages and save them or print them for your own personal enjoyment — men, I don’t mean it that way — you should go watch the video here – you’ll get much better idea of what this program, er, add-on does and how cool it really is. “…A clip clip here and a snip snip there, and a couple of la ti dahs / That’s how we pass the time away in the merry old land of Oz….” Now, now, now, I put quotes around it, I’m not claiming that as my own. That’s not the real words? Who cares?

Anywhale, if you want to get the lowdown on this add-on for Internet Explorer, you’d best go watch the short video here. You’re obviously not getting anywhere with me.

Oh, I nearly forgot. Since we don’t know Mr. HP personally, we’ve invited one of his subordinates to entertain you with a little informative chitchat, take it away, diva of the HP world:

“The whole internet just became print friendly.

With a simple plug-in for your browser, quickly Select & Clip or Select & Print web pages just the way you want them, and eliminate all that wasted ink and paper. Download HP Smart Web Printing and get print friendly today!

For Windows XP, Windows Vista® and Windows 7. For Internet Explorer versions 6, 7, 8.”

Wait, are you leaving already? Our audience is used to long, windy screeds. They’re not used laconic souls such as you. Wait, you left your flash drive behind. Wonder what’s on it. Oh, I’m so embarrassed. “Ms Diva! Hey, come back Ms. Diva! Um, you might want your flash drive back! Ms Diva?”

OK enough puerile humor for now. Go watch Monty Python if you haven’t had enough yet.

Get more information, watch a video about or download our freeware pick of the week “Smart Web Printing” from this page.

One thought on “Freeware Pick 3/11/2011

  1. Sue

    The below was copied from HP support for their web printing program. I use Chrome for my browser and was looking to see if it might work for it. It does not, but I came across the below message and answer.

    Re: Google chrome and web smart printing
    11-09-2010 08:52 AM

    There’s a website called Print What You Like ( that does a lot of the same stuff: You can pick what pieces of a web page you want to keep (called isolate) or remove. You can increase or decrease font size, choose to include or exclude images, etc.

    You can use it by going to their website, or by adding their bookmarklet to your bookmark bar. I have used it with Chrome and Firefox, and it works great. It actually makes a lot more sense to have it as a website rather than a browser plugin, because you can use it from any browser on any computer.

    It also has some nice other features, like you can save the reformatted page as a PDF.


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