Geek Uninstaller and Revo Uninstaller (Free Version)

By | June 22, 2012

TC is going out on a limb by proclaiming Geek Uninstaller  a tad better than Revo Uninstaller (free version). The reason is simple. Geek Uninstaller uninstalls as thoroughly as Revo Uninstaller — and Geek Uninstaller is easier to use and can be run from a flash drive or right from its exe file because it doesn’t need to be installed. If you’re going to be an uninstaller it’s nice not to have to list yourself among the installed programs.

Also (and many of you might not know this) but Revo Uninstaller (free version) does not recognize or remove 64-bit programs, whereas Geek Uninstaller does. So if you’re using 64-bit Windows you should consider this. If you want 64-bit functionality you’ll have to buy Revo Uninstaller Pro.

Another reason why I like Geek Uninstaller better than Revo is ease-of-use. Revo has several different uninstall options (Safe, Moderate, etc.) which can be confusing to beginners. Geek Uninstaller is as simple to use selecting the program you want to remove from a list and double-clicking it to start the uninstallation process. Also, another feature I like in Geek is the forced uninstallation. This comes in handy when a program’s uninstaller is missing. Revo has a similar feature but it’s more complicated — it’s called Hunter Mode.

One thing Revo does that Geek does not is create a restore point before uninstalling a program. It’s a nice feature but I can live without it.

If you like Revo – it’s a great program. If you’re using 64-bit Windows Vista, Windows 7 or Windows 8, keep in mind that Revo Uninstaller Free doesn’t recognize or uninstall 64-bit programs – Geek Uninstaller does. It won’t hurt to have both on your computer.. Geek Uninstaller doesn’t install. You simply unzip the program and click its exe file to run it.

If you’re interested in giving Geek Uninstaller a try, you can get it free at  . Both Revo Uninstaller and Geek Uninstaller are true freeware — no bundles and no garbage. Since Geek Uninstaller has no paid version — there’s never any attempted upselling as there is with Revo Uninstaller Free.

Hey — but they’re both good. So if you’re not with the one you love, love the one you’re with.

4 thoughts on “Geek Uninstaller and Revo Uninstaller (Free Version)

  1. E Muriel Schlecht

    Thanks again TC. I’ve been delighted with RevoUninstaller since ? ..well whenever it was you recommended it.
    I have 64-bit Win7 on my laptop and didn’t even
    realize the free RevoUninstaller wouldn’t recognize 64-bit
    things. I was just about to get RevoUninstaller for
    the laptop, but now I’ll go with your recommendation, once again, and get Geek Uninstaller. Perfect timing.

  2. Richard

    I, like E Muriel, have been using (and recommending/installing on others computers) since its inception on CloudEight and have 64 bit on my Laptop. Will download and try Geek on my laptop.

    Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!

    God Bless you both and reward you for all that you do for all of us.

  3. lodoss63

    I tried geek uninstaller and it worked perfectly on my win7 64 bits. I uninstalled 2 programs with it
    Now it does not work anymore and I don’t manage to get it working even with the assistant for compatibility.
    Can somebody help ?
    It will just not launch properly and make the list of programs.

    1. infoave Post author

      Geek Uninstaller does not install. Just delete it and re-download it.


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