Google demands that the U.S. government secure a warrant before before reading your email

By | December 6, 2013

Google Pushes White House Petition Demanding The Government Secure A Warrant To Read Your Email

Google is promoting a White House petition calling for reform to the Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA), amending it to require a warrant for the government to read the email of its citizens.

In a Google+ post – natch – Google asked its followers if they felt their online missives deserve the same protection as their physical mail. Sign the petition, the company continued, to “tell the government to get a warrant” before reading your email.

That the petition exists is not surprising. To see Google publicly promoting it is refreshing. Since Google’s post went live, around 6,000 more people have signed the petition, which is now over halfway to the needed 100,000 signatures.

What the hell is Google banging on about? Well, the ECPA is old, broken legislation that leaves us, the regular folk, unprotected from government intrusion into our affairs. As I reported earlier this year…

Read the rest of this “Telecrunch” article here.

5 thoughts on “Google demands that the U.S. government secure a warrant before before reading your email

  1. Steve

    Oh sure. Google now wants to “protect” our privacy? Google is in bed with the government folks. They let the NSA spy on you. They wouldn’t be who they are without the gov. How do you think they were able to get Google Earth? This was a government project that was “sold” to one company without bids.

    If Google wanted to protect your privacy they would tell the world what that plan to do about it themselves. How about securing your email using proper encryption from end to end without back doors? How about they refuse to track your MAC and .priv cookies? Nope, Google has too much to gain by supporting our leaders (i.e. King Obama) to make any real waves.

    1. infoave Post author

      I find it ironic and amusing you’re using a Microsoft email address 🙂


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