Google Is Offering Free Dark Web Monitoring: Take Control of Your Online Identity

By | July 18, 2024

Google Is Offering Free Dark Web Monitoring: Take Control of Your Online Identity

Keeping your personal information safe online is an ongoing battle. Data breaches happen all the time, and your email address, password, or other details could end up for sale on the dark web. Google now offers a free tool to help you fight back: Dark Web Monitoring.

What is the Dark Web?

The dark web is a hidden part of the internet that isn’t indexed by search engines. It’s often used for illegal activities, but it can also be a haven for stolen data. If your information ends up on the dark web, it could be used for identity theft, fraud, or other malicious purposes.

How Does Google’s Dark Web Monitoring Work?

Google’s Dark Web Monitoring scans the dark web for any mentions of your email address. If it finds anything suspicious, you’ll receive an alert so you can take action. This could involve changing your passwords, notifying your bank, or reporting the incident to the authorities.

This feature was previously only available to paying Google One subscribers. Now, Google is making it free for everyone with a Google Account. This is significant because it makes online security more accessible to everyone.

How to Check Your Dark Web Monitoring Report:

  • Go to This is the central hub for your Google One membership and account settings.
  • Scroll down to the “Security” section. Look for a card titled “Dark Web Report” or similar.
  • Click “Try now” or “View report” (depending on the wording). This will launch the Dark Web Monitoring tool.
  • You’ll see a report indicating if any suspicious activity related to your email address was found. If something is found, Google will provide details and recommended actions.

It’s important to remember that Dark Web Monitoring isn’t a foolproof security solution. It’s an important tool you can use to help you stay safer online.

Here are some additional things to keep in mind:

  • Currently, it only focuses on email addresses.
  • Scans are periodic, not constant.
  • It can’t stop breaches from happening in the first place.

Helping You Take Charge of Your Online Security:

Google’s Dark Web Monitoring is a valuable tool, but it’s just one piece of the puzzle. Here are some other steps you can take to protect yourself online:

  • Use Strong Passwords and Update Regularly: Never reuse passwords across different websites. Change your passwords frequently. Using a password manager makes creating strong passwords and changing them easier. We recommend RoboForm, Bitwarden, and LastPass, but any popular password manager is better than none.
  • Enable Two-Factor Authentication: Add an extra layer of security to your accounts by using 2FA (two-factor authentication).
  • Be Careful What You Share Online: Don’t overshare personal information on social media or other public platforms.
  • Stay Informed About Security Threats: Keep yourself updated on the latest scams, phishing attempts, and data breaches.

By using Google’s Dark Web Monitoring and following these additional security practices, you can take control of your online identity and make it less likely that you’ll be a target for criminals.

2 thoughts on “Google Is Offering Free Dark Web Monitoring: Take Control of Your Online Identity

  1. Di

    thank you so much, I did use the the scan tool and found out there was a data breech with Giant Tiger and that is why I am now getting so much spam . Every day there are more spam emails. Thankfully Gmail marks it as spam but I do not feel safe as my phone Number was also found. I changed all my passwords . I use a password manager but now I think I
    will be changing my main email to a new email and also get my phone number changed , My phone
    number is tied to my email at Giant Tiger in my membership. Do you have any alternative suggestions.

  2. Lee

    Have gone to but can’t find the security section. It just has all the membership amounts etc.
    What am I doing wrong


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