Google releases Chrome Apps for Your Windows Desktop

By | September 7, 2013

Cloudeight InfoAve

The distinction between “Apps” and desktop programs just got a little blurrier. As Windows 8 and 8.1 try to move us off the desktop into the Cloud with Windows 8 Apps, Google is trying to move us from the Cloud back to the desktop with Chrome Apps for Your Desktop. These are Google apps that run as programs on your desktop whether you’re connected to the Internet or not and whether you have a browser open or not.

The first batch of apps released by Google include some interesting ones, but there is not yet a huge selection. There are hundreds of thousand of apps available for Android and thousands for the Chrome browsers, but just a few dozen (so far) for the Windows desktop. But you can be sure they’ll be a lot more very soon.

In case you’re thinking you’re going to use some of those cool apps for Chrome on your Windows desktop without installing Chrome, sorry. You have to have Chrome installed to use the apps, even though the apps run independently from Chrome — and most work while you’re offline – and synchronize (when necessary) when you go back online.

We just wanted you to know that Google and Chrome are coming to your desktop – in fact there are a few dozen available for you right now. If you are interested, you can learn more and download whatever apps for your desktop you like by visiting


One thought on “Google releases Chrome Apps for Your Windows Desktop

  1. Joan G

    I’d like to know how I can stop Google from popping their bloody ads up on my desktop at will. I sick to death of their pop-ups when I’m in the middle of a process and having their unsolicited crap popping up and interrupting my thought processes. How can we retrieve ownership of OUR PERSONAL COMPUTERS?? !!


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