Handy Shortcuts for Google Chrome and  Microsoft Edge (and Other Browsers Too)

By | January 3, 2022



Handy Shortcuts for Google Chrome and  Microsoft Edge (and Other Browsers Too)

NOTE: If you don’t have Chrome — or don’t use Edge — don’t worry. Many of these shortcuts work in Firefox and other browsers as well. The best way to find out if they work in your browser of choice is to try them. They’ll either work, won’t work, or will perform a different function than described.

Keyboard shortcuts are time savers. They can save you the time of hunting down the a dialog box or menu item. The only problem with keyboard shortcuts is… remembering them. The best way to remember them is to use them. We don’t expect you to remember all of these keyboard shortcuts, but you might want to commit to memory the ones you find the most useful. It will save you time — we tells ya!

Ctrl + P – Print the current page
Ctrl + S – Save the current page
Ctrl + O – Browse files and folders on your computer
F5 – Reload the current page
Esc – Stop page loading

Ctrl + F5 – Reload the current page (ignore cached content)
Ctrl + D – Bookmark the current web page
Ctrl + Shift + D – Save all open pages as bookmarks in a new folder
Alt + Click on a link – Download link
Ctrl + F – Open the browser’s search box

F3 – Find the next match for your input in the search box
Shift + F3 – Find the previous match for your input in the search box
F11 – Open page in full-screen mode
Ctrl + + – Make the text larger
Ctrl + – – Make the text smaller
Ctrl + 0  (zero)  – Return text to normal size

Ctrl + Shift + B – Toggle the bookmarks bar
Ctrl + H – View browser history
Ctrl + J – View recent Downloads 
Ctrl + R — Refresh the page
Shift + Esc – View the browser’s task manager
Ctrl + Shift + Delete – Open the Clear Browsing Data Dialog

F1 – Open the browse help page in a new tab
Ctrl + U – View the current page’s source code

5 thoughts on “Handy Shortcuts for Google Chrome and  Microsoft Edge (and Other Browsers Too)

  1. Dennis Rayl

    Different topic but thought you might want to know this. Looking for info about upgrading my computer processor to handle Windows 11. Came across this https://www.wikihow.com/Upgrade-a-Processor.
    There was a recommendation to use a program called “Speccy” to see what might be possible. As soon as it started downloading, I canceled it, ran Hi-Bit uninstaller and Revo uninstaller to be certain that Speccy hadn’t invaded. Can’t find a trace of it so far. It comes from CCleaner.

    1. JOHN

      Speccy is a very good program. I have been using it for years!
      The only thing it does is giving you the detailed specification of your computer (including temperatures).
      It does not change anything!
      Thanks for the processor-upgrade-link by the way.

      1. infoave Post author

        The article you’re commenting on was about browser shortcuts – Speccy was not mentioned in our article. So I think you clicked on an advertisement link. We don’t control the products advertised on the site.

    2. infoave Post author

      Our article (you’re commenting on) was about browser shortcuts – Speccy was not mentioned in our article. So I think you clicked on an advertisement link. We don’t control the products advertised on the site. We don’t recommend Speccy or any other System Info products – other than windows built-in MSINFO32

  2. Dawn

    Just when I was sitting here thinking “How do I even remember these shortcuts?” with my poor tired old brain and there it was! Try to memorize the ones you use. Lol. This has been on my mind a long time, wondering. Lol. In all seriousness these are super tips and always try to remember what I can when you mention them. Thanks!


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