Happy Birthday Darcy: My partner and my friend
Some of you know her as EB, some of you know her as Darcy, and most of you know she’s a pretty special lady. She is the one who makes sure that everyone who writes gets an answer, every order gets filled, and everyone with a computer problem who has a Cloudeight Direct service key gets scheduled.
Without her, Cloudeight would probably not be around anymore.
She’s a fighter and she really cares. She’s the one who takes the ideas I come up with and makes them work. My head’s always in the clouds — which is why we are called Cloudeight…not really. She makes this our business and our site work. And she comes up with some pretty great ideas too – like Cloudeight Direct, just to mention one.
Her birthday is next Thursday – July 30. That’s less than a week away. I wish most for her birthday is that all her dreams come true.
You probably don’t know this but she used to own a bar, and that’s where I met her. The bar was called Michigan^Tavern. Honest! I stumbled into her bar and starting fighting with her right way (it’s true).
For some reason, in spite of my arrogance and contentious nature, she became my friend. I was a helpless nerd who knew almost nothing about computers back then. My son was in a rock and roll band — and I made him the world’s worst website, but I was proud of it. I showed it to Darcy. Rather than telling me it looked like a pile of junk she redid the entire site — she took her time to make the first web site I ever made look great — and she barely knew me and didn’t know my son at all. What she did with the junky looking site I made was amazing — but she never took any credit for re-doing it and making it look nice.
The year was 1997 and the bar Michigan^Tavern was virtual — it was a chatroom that EB and some of her friends had created. So we met in a virtual saloon and it was there that Cloudeight was born.
In 1998, after she took me under her wing and taught me a lot about making web sites and creating graphics… we created the first Cloudeight site. It was called “Thundercloud and Eightball’s Christmas Graphics and you can still see it here.
Above: A screenshot of Eightball & ThunderCloud’s Christmas Graphics created Autumn 1998. This was the beginning of Cloudeight
We both use to work other jobs back then. Every day whoever got home first would check the visitor counter on the site to see how many people had visited that day. I can remember the day we got 50 visits and we were sure we were on our way to Web stardom — ha! — but there’s something beautiful about naivete. The excitement of having 50 visitors encouraged us and we kept working together.
One day, EB sent me an email with a scrolling background — and it had music playing. I thought she was magic! “How did you do that?” , I asked. We figured it out and started making stationery. It was then we created Cloudeight Stationery and it became wildly popular — at our peak, we were getting 3 million visitors a year and our stationery became the most famous stationery on the Web.
Above… a screenshot of Cloudeight Stationery, May 8, 1999.
Above: The Cloudeight Stationery “Visions” Stationery Collection for Outlook Express – October 18, 1999.
We loved our new business and we were so excited when we were working on a new stationery collection. We’d show each other what we had designed and couldn’t wait to release it to our subscribers and visitors. Cloudeight Stationery grew and grew – and Cloudeight became a business and our only job.
In 2002 we started Information Avenue and later InfoAve Premium to pass along some of the computer tricks and tips we learned over the years. It’s a good thing we did because when Microsoft introduced Windows 7, it had no email program and therefore Windows 7 users couldn’t use our scrolling / musical stationery… and that was our bread and butter. We had to completely reinvent Cloudeight and staying in business became a continuous struggle.
I have no doubt that if it weren’t for Darcy’s kindness and caring, we’d have gone belly-up several years ago. She never gave up and we came up with some other ideas and. as you can see, we’re still around.
Cloudeight Direct Computer Care was her idea, not mine, and it really has helped us keep our small business going. And just as importantly it really helped us get to know many of the folks who helped us through some very dark days.
Whether you know her as Darcy or EB, she’s quite a lady and I’ve always felt lucky that, despite my cantankerous, contentious, belligerent nature, she has always been able to see through all of that and saw a different part of me — the part I never show the world — the compassionate, generous, gentle part.
We’ve been friends since I walked into her virtual saloon and I’m a better person for it. And any of you who have had the chance to know her are blessed too. She’s one in a billion and we’re all lucky to know her.
Darcy and I have had our ups and downs. We’ve been partners for over two decades. She’s always been the one I’ve counted on when things weren’t going so well.
She is my partner, she is my friend – and if you’ve ever had any dealings with Darcy, then she’s probably your friend too.
She’s the best partner and friend anyone could ever have. I poke fun at her in almost every newsletter, and she laughs along with everyone else. She’s a great person, a great lady, and I know I am very lucky to have her as my partner, but I’m even luckier to have her as my friend
Please help me wish Darcy a very Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday, Darcy! May all your dreams come true…
Happy Birthday Darcy
People like you don’t get older, they get more beautiful. Thundercloud is really fortunate to have you around. Best wishes and enjoy being beautiful.
thank you Doug!
Wow! I loved reading about Darcy and you. Happy Birthday Darcy!! I think you have quite a partner there who is able to express his feelings. May God bless you and your business.
Happy Birthday Darcy
We are all very lucky to have you around. Hope all your wishes come true.
Happy Birthday Eightball!
You guys are simply amazing. Keep it up.
Happy Birthday Darcy!
I’ve been a fan of Cloudeight for some yeasrs now, sorry I don’t know how many. You have taught me so much over these years and helped me when I got into a fix with your Computer Care. You have a beautiful soul and I’m glad to have found such a friend on the internet. Be well and may you prosper!
Happy Birthday Darcy!!!!!!
Many Thanks to both of you.
I wish you a very happy birthday, Darcy! You deserve the best. You have so kindly answered many questions I’ve thrown at you over the years. You’ll never know how much I appreciate that. Have the most remarkable birthday you’ve ever had!
Happy Birthday Darcy, Thanks for being there when we need you , even when some of us are pains in the neck,
or haven’t taken your advice. then we come to you to bail us out. I think TC covered all the bases except one….your very wise in scooping up TC as your partner.
I so enjoyed his “visit to the past” I found your website on a search for stationery. Don’t remember when, but thinking back I bet it was pretty close to 1999, I know I signed up right away. One of my favorite InfoAve (I think) things from the past was “Name that tune”.
Again, A very happy birthday, Darcy. We love and appreciate you.
Happy Birthday Darcy!!!
My wish for you, is for many more birthdays to come! Yes every thing all the others said are so true, and I would just be repeating them here. Have been with you two for a long time also and you have helped me out with my PC , and you are appreciated more than you know. So again Happy Birthday, stay safe and healthy.
Dear Darcy,
During the years that I hae been associated with Cloudeight I have been an avid follower. I have dealt more with TC than yourself and and am so proud of TC to have given such a vivid discription of himself I guess the old saying is self praise is no recommendation (just kidding TC) but I so admire both of you for the time and effort that you have both put into such a rewarding and appreciated business I am sure from all corners of the globe. I look forward to many more years in your tender and sincere care and may you have a wonderful Birthday and know I am sure that many people will be singing your well deserved praises Take care and stay safe ,
Warmest wishes.
Maggie, (Marguerita)
New Zealand.
Happy Birthday Darcy, can’t tell you enough how much we appreciate all the help you have given us through the years. My wish and prayer for you is that life will treat you as kind and special as you have treated us through the years. You never made us feel dumb or stupid with some of the ridiculous questions we have came up with. But always kind and helpful, I can honestly say if not for you and TC, I would probably not be surfin the web. For sure my computer would have already crashed never to resurrect again. But because of you both, I am grateful and honored to have you as a friend I’ve never met personally but at the same time truly count as a forever friend. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARCY on July 30th!
Darcy, I wish you a very Happy Birthday. I pray that it is very special in every way and filled with Miracles upon Miracles.
Happy Birthday Darcy,I hope you have a wonderful , beautiful day…💐💐🎂🎂
Darcy, wishing you a very Happy Birthday… and many more to come… I read every word both of you print – in the hopes of getting better on my internet… I have been with both of you for years and getting older does not
bother us… Have a beautiful birthday…
AHEM….. Let me clear my throat:
Happy Birthday to Darcy
Happy Birthday to Darcy
Happy Birthday to Darcy………
Happy Birthday to You……. and MANY MORE…….!!!!
Fri., July 24, 2020 – – Happy Happy Birthday Ms. Darcy. I haven’t had many conversations with you over the years, but the few times I have, you’ve always answered my questions and been very helpful. 🙂 I want to wish you many, many more years of happiness and prosperity. I don’t know your religious beliefs but I believe that people come into our lives for a reason and I’m truly fortunate to have met you (and Mr. TC) in 1999 and I’ve been a faithful admirer/follower ever since. I brag about my “computer guru’s” to anyone that will listen. I loved and used your stationary for many years. It made writing emails a ton of fun. Wishing you the best in the years to come. Please stay safe. Sending you Love, Blessings, Healing Energies and Prayers. Cheryl Lambert
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DARCY! and Blessings. Thank you so much for helping us with out computers!
Birthdays come but once a year, fortunately. Allow me to wish you the happiest, healthiest year ahead. You deserve it because of the person you are; kind, helpful, courteous, compassionate and sometimes humourous.
I have been with Thundercloud since the beginning. I’m still angry with Microsoft for nullifying your stationery. That’s what got me hooked originally. You have answered any questions I have asked over the years and speedily, too. In these uncertain times, it’s reassuring to know you are there to make everything alright.
Best wishes for the greatest birthday ever, Darcy.
And a prayer of hope that will find an answer with you getting good health and strong finances for years to come. Oh, and if it were possible, an even stronger relationship with all your old and new CloudEight family and friends.
We hope you have a wonderful Birthday and we have been your friend and supporter of the service you provide for as long as I can remember. I am very happy that I found Cloudeight and all the information you provide so whenever I have a problem I know just where to go. Keep up the GREAT work.
Having three of my immediate family in the nursing profession, I know of the love for others that is required to be successful in that endeavor. You also have that background and it shows in your cloudeight business. You seem to try just as hard to heal others of their pc woes as you have in the past in their physical ailments. Keep on caring for others’ problems and your’s will surely diminish. I wish many days of happiness in celebration of your birthday.
Hi Darcy, I don’t know how I would have progressed without your help over the years. Certainly I would have been a lot poorer money wise having to pay fees to other techs.
I still have the original Christmas pictures on my computer all these years later.
Thank you for being there, and many happy returns of your birthday.
Happy birthday, Darcy. Thanks for all your work over all these years. You have made us more competent and comfortable working with our computers. Trust you stay safe and healthy and have a wonderful birthday.
Dear Darcy
From the “bottom of the world” – almost – may I join with all of your many thankful and loyal customers to wish you a day filled with all the things that make you happy. In these days of great uncertainty, my prayer for you is health to continue doing what you so obviously love and happiness in the knowledge your caring and sharing of your skills has spread worldwide. Without your expertise being shared in such a warm and compassionate way, we, your loyal older friends, would not be able to keep up with this ever-changing world. My daughter calls me “tech granny” and it is all because you two have given me generous helpings of advice and technical help served with love and humour. VERY MANY HAPPY RETURNS of your special day.
Invercargill, New Zealand
Enjoy your day.
Happy Birthday Darcy and thank you TC for writing such a lovely essay about how you two met and now live
Needless to say , like everyone else who knows your Cloudeight site, we would be a lot poorer in many ways without your expert help but more than that your humour and your patience
Enjoy your day…21 again?
Happy Birthday Darcy. What a great story about your life and thanks for all the help you give us
Have a Happy, Happy Birthday, Darcy!! Been with you a long time and know and appreciate how hard you work for us.
Just hope that you can feel, how much each of us is wishing you a very great day!
Happy Birthday. May God bless you and that you have a great day. Thanks for all your help.
Happy Birthday from Australia and congratulations to you both on a great site.
I started computer learning in 2000 with no one to really help me and I made a lot of mistakes. Fortunately I discovered Cloudeight and loved your website and it helped me a lot. Today I feel more confident using the computer because of all your help and information. I really miss “Name That Tune” and wish there was more fun stuff like that. I still make a lot of mistakes. So 20 years later I’m still with you guys and learning more every day. I don’t mind birthdays but I do wish I could go back sometimes to a simpler way of living and computing but I know technology marches on and I try to keep up. Darcy has helped me along the way and thank you so much for that. Keep on keeping on Darcy and a very happy birthday to you. 39 again?
Wishing you a very happy and joyous Birthday Darcy, you have been a blessing to so many of us over the years as we stumble through difficulties on our computers, and I know we all wish you the very best on your special day.
May the year ahead be filled with happy and healthy days, thank you and God Bless.
In sunny Newzealand.
Happy birthday and wishing you lots of good luck and good fortune, You have gave me good advice for past
many many years and I love your stories . Slainte.
A very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Darcy! 💐
I’m joining everyone else here in wishing you lots of good health, fun, laughter, etc…. Hope it’ll be a good year, and here’s wishing you many more happy & amazing years……🥂
Heartfelt thanks to you and TC for all you both do by always informing us and keeping our ‘puters running in good shape. I’ve been with you since practically the beginning and I still use stationery created by you. Have learnt sooooo much from your informative newsletters and l’m eternally grateful.
So, enjoy your special day, and this Canadian sends you very best wishes for a long life of health and happiness! 🌺 🍷 🌹
PS: A lot of us have been a “Cloudeight family” for many years, and I think it would be great now if we could see ACTUAL photos of you and TC. Time to uncover the “mystery” … 😂 🤣
Have a great birthday, Darcy!!!!!
Happy Birthday to You ♪♫•*^*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*^*•♫♪ ♪♫•*^*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*^*•♫♪ Happy Birthday ♪♫•*^*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*^*•♫♪ to You Happy ♪♫•*^*Birthday ♪♫•*^* Darcy ♪♫•*^*♪♫•*^*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*^*•♫♪ Happy ♪♫••*•♫♪ Birthday ♪♫• to you.••♫♪ God Loves you! xxx ツ 🎂 🎂 🎂 🎺 🎻 🎹 🎷
Happy Birthday Darcy, I think I can keep you two apart easier now as I was never sure which initial belonged to whom and which was the woman and which was the man through those initials. I have bothered you both a few times 🙂 but have enjoyed every one of our times chatting (typing) while you do your work on my compute. Someone put me onto you a few years ago and I have sang your praises to many people ever since. Some were cautious to believe all the things I was telling them about the many ways you worked on my computer problems (even when I couldn’t explain the problem to myself let alone to your two but you always figured it out anyway) People found it difficult to believe how I trusted complete strangers to come into my computer as today its a “buyer beware mentality” we live by. I began the same way; I didn’t trust anyone coming into machine (buy a key) but I kept read your letters and the praises about from so many whose machines you had worked on and over time you earned my trust and I have never been disappointed. I do hope you had a great day and may your life be as great. Joyce
Dear Darcy,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ! Don’t fear (if you do), you do not get older –
you mature like a good wine.
Happy Birthday Darcy! I hope you have a fantastic day.
Happy Birthday Darcy!!! from wintry Victoria Australia. May your day be special and your year rich with blessings!
Jill and Allan
Happy Birthday Darcy!!
Celebrate with my husband & myself married 60 years on your day & our twins 58th birthday on the same day!
I love your cite & all the advice & help you give to us, your friends.
You & TC are the best!
You both are the best that has been on the internet. ..a unique team that has blessed anyone who has a computer and needed authentic, reliable help. A very Happy Birthday, Darcy…you deserve the kudos of everyone who has had your assistance over these past twenty years. May be with us for many more years to come.
Happy Birthday Darcy! You and TC are so important to all of us who use our computers but may not understand them or how to correct problems that just “appear” on them. You two have a gift and you use it to help those of us with gremlins in our computers. Thank you so much for all your help over the years
Wishing you a Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Darcy! Thank you for all that you do! May God shower you with many blessings!
Happy Birthday Darcy!! Wishing you a million more! Wow, I have been with you for a very long time..close to your start up also. I loved reading this and how it all came about. You are my computer gurus and I don’t do anything without first checking here! Keep up the great work. If I was rich you would have lots of money. Sorry, I am just a 78 year old great grandma trying to hang in for a while longer! Lol. I will be with you till my end days!
Happy Birthday Darcy💕 i joined your followers in 1999. The two of you have been such a help to me and MANY others. May God richly bless you!!
Happy Birthday Darcy…my husband and I call you our computer angel, we don’t know what we would do without you.I hope you have an awesome birthday and many more to come…
Best wishes Leza.
Happy Birthday Darcy!
Thank you for getting things started & for keeping us all in line along with TC.
I have been with you since 1995, if not before & I have never looked back.
May you have a great day , year & all your wishes come true!
I too started on your website with the stationery which was revolutionary at the time and well received/impressed by all recipients. Since then the wealth of advice and assistance you have provided is astounding. I have not yet used my ‘key’ but rest thankful that you have the knowledge and absolute integrity to keep us all safe and focused on what is good in the world whilst highlighting the baddies. The journey may have been rocky and barren at times but you’ve stayed on track!
Great work from all of you but especially Happy Birthday Darcy!
Happy Birthday Darcy!
Happy Birthday to you, Darcy!! I don’t know what I would do if I couldn’t refer to your Cloudeight newsletter! You are so knowledgeable about everything and there is so much I don’t know, that I so look forward to each new newsletter! You and TC are solid gold in my book. Hope you have a wonderful day and keep up the wonderful work you do!
A most happy and blessed birthday Darcy.
Darcy, Oh Happy Happy Day!!! I wish for you good health and comfort on your Special Day. Actually I wish for you all that throughout the year ! Your partner speaks very highly of you and I must agree as just with the times you have manage to bring me back from the edge. I think I have been with you since right after you started.
Happpppy Birthdaaaaay
Stay well my Trusty Tech Guru
Have a fabulous Birthday Darcy 🙂 In times like this being so awful it is refreshing to know people like you. You always leave others with a smile on their lips and know help is on it’s way! If I had not seen C8 way back when like 1999 I would not have a computer today. In our house it’s always ASK C8 they know everything 🙂
Happy Birthday Darcy,
Many Thanks to you and TC for your true Professionalism and Honesty for dealing with many IT problems over the years.
I too miss your stationery, they were something special.
Over the years I have recommended your services to many friends and I know from personal experience that they are still enjoying your Newsletters.
I do not know anyone that could say a bad word about either of you guys. In today’s world of greed and corruption that is a true and wonderful blessing.
Enjoy your “Special” day Darcy and stay healthy in this weird world situation at present
LOL from
Down Under in Adelaide Australia
Happy Birthday Darcy. May you have many more Happy Birthdays.
Wishing you good health and good days and a safe journey through
Happy Birthday Darcy.
I’ve learnt so much from you to.
Enjoy your day.
Here’s to wishing Darcy a Happy Birthday 🎂 on July 30th !
I am so very thankful for all the helpful tips and knowledge that you two folks have and share with our Cloudeight family. I am in aw of all the things that you post to help us learn about safety and computers. I often wonder where in the world you come up with all the ideas for your newsletters?
You two are amazing ! Nice that you shared some things about yourselves since we never knew much of anything about you…except the joking things that TC would write about Darcy sometimes !!! I never realized that you helped people outside of the US. Wow, you are known worldwide.
I want to thank you for all you do for us, as I am continually learning ….. but also forgetting🤔, and often have to go back and reread your tips when I have a problem. Thank goodness you keep the old tips online.
Be safe and take care.
Dear Darcy,
I am wishing you the happiest birthday possible.
The partnership you and TC formed those many years ago has been such a blessing to multitudes of confused, somewhat lost, seeking computer non-techies like myself.
Like others who have responded above, I am so saddened that your fabulous stationery can no longer be used in most email options I say, ” Shame On microsoft”. They could do so much better than this.
However, this note is about you and what a blessing you are to those of us who seek Cloudeight help.
May the Lord bless you with good health, energy, and a surplus of continuing good sportsmanship to endure TC’s ribbing 😍
Dear Darcy♥
Wishing you a very “Happy Birthday”. Have a fun-filled day celebrating. Thank you for all you do for us.
we do appreciate YOU!
God’s blessings …
Dear Darcy,
It looks as if everyone has said everything I was going to say! So I will just add my sincere thanks and wish you an extra especially great birthday.
Kindest regards,
Happy Birthday Darcy! I hope your day is special! I have been with you guys since the scrolling stationary days, my friend and I used to love it. Thank you both of you for all that you do, it is incredible what we have all learned from you guys!
Happy Birthday Darcy. and many, many, more. (We need you! LOL)
Thank you for so much for so long.
May all your dreams come true.
Peace and blessings to you, Darcy, on your birthday….and always, for that matter!!
You and T.C. do so much for so many. You taught me all I know about computing.
I hope you keep doing what you are doing….we need you in this greedy world.
Happy Birthday!! And many more.!
Happy Birthday Darcy !
Happy Birthday dear Darcy
I hope your birthday is full of sunshine and rainbows and love and laughter! Sending many good wishes to you on your special day. Warm greetings from France
Wishing you a blessed and very Happy Birthday Darcy! I hope all your dreams come true too.
You deserve at least that for all you have done for so many people, like myself, who stumbled upon you and TC in the early days and have benefited greatly from your generosity of spirit, and knowledge – even on the other side of the world.
Thanks too to TC for the heads up, and the wonderful description of your friend Darcy!!
I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you both for all you do for others.
Bless you both.
With best wishes and much appreciation, from Annie in Perth, Australia. 🙂 🙂 xx
Happy Birthday Darcy,
You’re guidance and help have no doubt made living with a computer much more enjoyable, and most of all safe.
Thank you,
Happy birthday Darcy!
You deserve a wonderful birthday and many more to come. You have been with me for many years and hellped me learn enough to stay with computers so that I can still do email and handle my banking affairs on the computer at 92 years old. You have a lot of good years yet to go and may each one of them be filled with the completion of your dreams.
Thank you.
Happy Birthday Darcy
Thanks for all the help in the past and hope you have a great birthday. Maybe for just a day TC wont poke fun at you!!!
All the best
Lee and Vera
Happy Birthday Darcy,
Make the day your own and make it a good one.
Very best wishes….Hazel.
Happy Birthday, Darcy. Hope you have a nice day!!!
Thanks for all the help through the years.
I’ve been away but need to renew my Emsisoft subscription!
Darcy handles all Emsisoft. She’ll be contacting you by email.