Happy Easter

By | March 28, 2013

Cloudeight Internet Newsletter

Cloudeight Internet
Special Newsletter
March 28, 2013

Dear friends,

First we’d both like to wish every one of your a very happy and blessed Easter holiday. happy Easter holiday!

We have some great specials for you and for the first time ever, we are offering Direct Repair keys for $30, limit One Per Customer! Click here for details!

If you’re a fan of Cloudeight Stationery, we have many collections of Easter stationery available free. Visit this page to see all of our Easter Stationery.

If you’re using Windows 7 or Windows 8 – you CAN use our stationery.: We can set up Windows Mail (Windows Mail is the successor to Outlook Express and very much like Outlook Express) on your Windows 7 or Windows 8 computer. And this weekend only we’re offering our Windows Mail Set-up service for just $20. Limit one per customer. Visit this page to learn more.

Our members have asked us different ways they can help Cloudeight. We have come up with a few ideas, and we hope you will all help us and it won’t cost you a penny!

1. We have created a Flyer for our Cloudeight Direct Computer Care service for you to download and print. If our members would place and/or distribute these flyers wherever they can: their senior groups, churches, grocery stores, or anywhere you meet people or that has a bulletin board. You could also share the link on mail groups you may be involved in, Facebook pages, or any place you can help spread the word about our Cloudeight Direct Computer Care Service. Click here for download the printable flyer –  or share this link with others: http://thundercloud.net/direct/direct-flyer.pdf .

2. We also made a downloadable business card to for our members to print out and share with others too! Click here to download a printable sheet of 10 business cards..

We know word of mouth is the best form of advertising, and we are really excited about the flyers and business card handouts! If you want to offer feedback and let us know if you posted a flyer, or handed out business cards, we would love to hear from you. Please post a comment on this page

Can you donate $10 this weekend? We need your help!

Did you know that if only 30% of our newsletter subscribers donated just $10, we’d have enough to keep our company running for several months? If you can afford $10 this weekend and really want to help us, please visit this page.

Thank you so much for you support and your kindness.

Happy Easter!

Cloudeight Internet
March 28, 2013

29 thoughts on “Happy Easter

  1. Donna Sullivan

    Dear TC and EB,

    I just made a donation of $20. As I have told you in the past, I have been a long time premium member but have switched to a Mac Book Pro Retina display laptop. I just want to keep supporting you, so I need nothing in return except to hear you are doing well. Blessings, Donna

  2. Donna Mae

    Gosh we Donna’s are good gals (I’m the old one)–I have a MO in the mail —on it’s way to you TC&EB. I wish I could have immediate help for my neighbor.She is desperate. I tried to persuade her to try Cl-8 but she just couldn’t make up her mind. This was yesterday.
    She just phone me this AM and she can’t even download her mail. I have your business cards printed — so will try again. I will tell her about your $30 sale too.Wish me luck.

  3. Mary M

    Mailing a card with a $$ gift just to thank you you for all of your free and honest info we have all benefited from in your newsletters.

  4. Alice Pettersen

    You people are always begging for money. I purchased a lifetime membership for your smiley cons in fact over $30.00 and right after that you stopped making them.
    I contacted you and you made no effort to answer me and now I see where you are asking for donations for the stationary. My guess is when you have taken enough of peoples money you will stop making the stationary as well.

      1. John Vukovic

        Your reply to Alice Pettersen was missing in my copy of the Newsletter. Would be interested in your reply to her…

    1. Carol Bromund

      Alice, something must be amiss here because these people don’t take advantage of anyone… in fact, they give us good deals all the time and sometimes WE feel like we are taking advantage of THEM.

  5. Gerry Solmundson

    I have just made a $20.00 donation….hope it helps a little. I have also downloaded your flyers and business cards and will try to distribute them to as many people as I can.

    Thank you for everything you do for all of us loyal followers…I don’t know what I’d do without you.

    Happy Easter to both of you!

    1. infoave Post author

      Thanks so much Gerry, it is very much appreciated.

  6. kiwibarb

    Tell Alice Pettersen that you make stationery, not stationary. Good on you for showing the adverse as well as the appreciative comments. Best of luck and Happy Easter,

  7. Larry Hubble

    Happy Easter to you, too! And many thanks to you guys for the great computer repair work you do! I can’t begin to tell you how impressed I was with your service. Keep up the good work, we need good people like you out there!

  8. Joan

    I’m happy to see you graciously yet assertively speak up and explain what 30% of your Newsletter subscribers will help you achieve for $10.00. This is what I spoke of in a past reply. If people cost out the amount of information you provide in one month alone and times this by 12, plus the convenience of it being in one place as opposed to scouring the internet for this and that, you are still giving it away. Time is drawing closer to either charge for your Weekly Newsletter and InfoAveDaily or close shop. There will be those who absolutely cannot afford anything, but they can write you personally and at your discretion exempt them. People certainly have their 1st Amendment right to complain about you, but apparently they continue to subscribe. I’m still contributing at the first of each month. Let’s hope more will get on board.

  9. Joan

    I did not included wishing you both a Blessed Easter. God Bless you and yours.

  10. Don

    I have copied the flyer and will cover your services, with my personal testimonial, with local computer group. I am so surprised that some people cannot see that what you guys do cannot all be “free”. The Premium Newsletter should be worth more than $20 lifetime!!! I (we) need your services and information. Hope subscribers see the full value of you work. I have sent my donation by mail (Pay Pal can’t find my address. Happy Easter

  11. Virginia

    Happy Easter to both of you. Your tips have helped me so many times in the past and continue to do so. I have made a contribution and will print out cards and the flyer and see what help I can be. People who complain like one of the above might consider what it would cost them to subscribe to a PC magazine and then wait for it to arrive and it would probably still not address their problem. I have made a donation and may eventually have you set up Windows Mail on my laptop but for now, I’m fine. I also have a repair key in the wings for when I need it. You two are great folks and I appreciate you both. I love your essays and look each evening for the daily Info Ave email.

    HAPPY EASTER and God bless!

  12. sandy

    I printed out your flyers and business cards to hand out. I hope in some way this will help. I have nothing but high praise for you. You guys (gals) are great!!

    1. infoave Post author

      Thanks so much. We’re anxious to see if we can get some new customers and word-of-mouth advertising. We’ve had such a great response from our subscribers — we’re hoping our subscribers can help bring us some new non-subscribers that we can help too. We have had a lot of success with Cloudeight Direct Computer Repair – and it has helped us a lot — and we’ve been able to reach out and help a lot of people too. One of the nicest things about it is, our prices are very reasonable when compared to Best Buy, Staples, Office Depot and computer repair shops. We really do care about each person we help and always treat their computers as if they were our own. When the average cost of computer repair is around $150, we think $59 is a real bargain. And we offer a money back guarantee too! Thanks again for helping us spread the word.

  13. Jean

    For all you at Cloudeight, Thundercloud have a blessed Easter and a “Happy Easter”

    Thank you for you have done. I just sent $20.00 for the prescription to Info Premium Lifetime. Thank you for being there, so far I have been able to keep my old computer.

  14. Helen Litle

    TC & EB: WHAT A GREAT IDEA TO INCLUDE BUSINESS CARDS AND FLYERS! I made color copies of both and presented them to all the teachers in my elementary school, with my personal endorsement included. I even gave them to the principal and the computer tech. Hope it helps. Happy and blessed Easter.

  15. Janice

    First, Happy Easter to you both. The computer Repair flyer and business cards are a great idea and I have printed them out. I hope you receive lots of replys from them. Thank you for all you do for us.

    1. infoave Post author

      Thanks so much! Happy Easter to you and yours as well!

  16. Holly

    What I have done is I made copies of the Flyer and business cards about Cloudeight Direct Computer Care and have had my husband Post them at places we shop and the pretty complex we live at. I think everyone almost could do that. I also don’t miss a chance to Tell people how long I have been a member of Cloudeight, which is since 1998. I used to belong to NOTH but could not keep up with it all but a great place.

  17. Linda

    Happy Easter to both of you. I guess some people still want everything for nothing in this world but I know your services are priceless. I have given your site to many friends and even used your tips and tricks at work. In the mail is a donation of $20.00. I wish it could be more but hopefully I can make another donation in a couple of months. God Bless to both of you.

  18. Phyllis Marti' Shannon

    I have Incredimail and it is coming to the point that I am unhappy with them as they can’t take our credit card because they are in England I think…I hope you are in the US, I will donate to you anyway. Can you let me know if your email is compatible so I won’t I won’t lose all my files? Thanks.

    1. infoave Post author

      IncrediMail is not compatible with any email program, by design. They don’t want you switching email programs. Their email is stored in proprietary format – incompatible with any other email program.

  19. Barbara

    I live in a highrise in Australia with 108 apartments,I have just printed your flyer and attached to our notice board. I sincerely hope this will generate some business for you wonderful people. Hope your Easter was Happy and the very best to you both. Thank you for all your help over the years through your newsletters and I will continue to help when I can and continue to recommend you.


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