Happy Thanksgiving Wishes for Everyone

By | November 28, 2024



Happy Thanksgiving Wishes for Everyone

We both want to take time out from our Thanksgiving day to wish you and your family a happy and blessed Thanksgiving and a special Thanksgiving weekend.

We know that some of you don’t celebrate Thanksgiving on this day, but we want you to know that no matter where you live in this increasingly smaller world, we are both very grateful for you.

Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving today or not, one common experience we all share at this time of year is reflection. It’s the time of year when we look back on the year that is quickly coming to an end and all the years passed, and remember the people and the experiences that made us who we are today.

Some of us have been lucky and some less fortunate – but we all have many things to be thankful for. Whether you are one of the lucky ones or one of the less fortunate ones,  we all can be thankful. As the Roman philosopher Seneca said:

“What difference does it make how much you have? What you do not have amounts to much more.”  

What we have does not come close to what we don’t have, so let’s be thankful for what we do have.  We all have much more than we think we have.

On this cold and cloudy Thanksgiving day here in the Great Lakes region of North America, we count the blessings of sharing this special day with our families.

To all of you reading this, we consider you friends. And we are very thankful for your support and your words of encouragement.

Whether you celebrate Thanksgiving today or not, we want you to know that we are very thankful for you. You bless us with your friendship.

To all of you, regardless of where you’re from…


10 thoughts on “Happy Thanksgiving Wishes for Everyone

  1. Doug

    Happy Thanksgiving to the both of you. You are one of the items on my list for people to be thankful for.

  2. Dotty Peacock

    Happy Thanksgiving to you two, also. May special blessings always be in your life. I am so thankful to have you two there when I need help. God bless

  3. Dianne C

    thankyou Darcy and TC for your friendship and all the help you give us
    over the years. You are both very much loved and appreciated.
    Have a blessed Thanksgiving

  4. Carol Carlson

    Thank you very much for your Thanksgiving wishes, TC and Darcy. I hope your celebrations on this weekend are being shared with your loved ones in peace and harmony. There are many people and things to be grateful for.

  5. Dawn Campbell

    Blessing, happiness, health and all the best for 2025. You are like family!!
    Dawn C.

  6. Karen Timmins

    Thank you so very much for your Thanksgiving wishes., best wishes to you both from a sunny albeit cold, Birmingham UK

  7. Vicki Haines

    Happy Thanksgiving TC and Darcy, I have been with you through the business as well as the newsletters for years and have saved my bucket many times in the past (and hopefully again very soon) and have been very thankful for that as well as all the information you share, plus the stories TC share! God bless you both.


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