Hover Over Links Before You Click Them to See the Real Destination URL

By | January 19, 2023



Hover Over Links Before You Click Them to See the Real Destination URL

Helping to Keep You Safe!

One of the tricks scammers and other miscreants use is disguising links. We have told you many times that it’s really important that you think before you click. One of the things you should think about is counterfeit links – those are links that look safe or text that disguises the true destination of the links. Did you know that by hovering over a link, you can see the real deal – the real link – uncloaked and not disguised?

We just recently found out that some folks – when they hover over links – tell us that they don’t see the “real” URL (web address).  We forgot to tell people where to look to see the real URL. We’re going to clear that up right now!

Cloudeight Windows Tips

To make sure everyone knows how to reveal the real URL by hovering over a link, we made the animation above. You can watch as the mouse pointer hovers over the link and see the actual URL displayed at the bottom left.

This is an important tip – it is a fundamental tip that can help you stay safe on the Web. And remember – always THINK BEFORE YOU CLICK!

5 thoughts on “Hover Over Links Before You Click Them to See the Real Destination URL

  1. Carol Carlson

    So glad you covered this subject! I’ve been totally unaware of this very important info. As always, you’ve saved us from harm again.

  2. Joyce Linsenmeyer

    Wonderful advise. You always look out for us. I am glad I found your site. You have taught me many things through your Newsletter. Keep up the fine work you do.

  3. Joann Bolen

    I knew better but made a grave error once….by not recalling the most important rule! Hover, HOVER, hover!!!!

    I nearly cost me well over $300.00!!!

    But I made myself very, very CLEAR to the cuplrits that they would never, ever get one cent out of me because they were LIARS!

    But i did “get our of it”, thank goodness!

    I hope I never forget again that I MUST Hover carefully for sure to see who’s who & what’s what!!!

    I’m a long time faithful follower of your site because I bought a lifetime subscription nearly 20 years ago!

    Thank you! Thank You! THANK Your! I’ve learned almost everything I know from you two/your company! Although I’m not as “sharp” as I used to be & altho’ I do have “short term memory loss”, I still enjoy “computing” in many “directions” whether it be research, Facebook buddies, communication via e-mail, etc. I consider it a useful “hobby”!
    Thank you so very, very much for ALL of your wonderful tips & answers & instructions.

    Love & Friendship, Joann Bolen

  4. Muriel Schlecht

    Great topic to explain and remind those who may have forgotten. I hover over links all the time. It’s something I learned years ago when I first was warned about clicking them in emails. Email headers was another thing I learned about and used more often than hovering when I was checking out a suspicious email. Now it’s a little different to expose the headers depending on the email program, but still useful.


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