How Old is Your Windows PC?

By | July 22, 2021



How Old is Your Windows PC?

There’s a lot of confusion about Windows 11. We have had quite a few people asking us if there’s a way to find out when their computers were manufactured. 

Generally, computers older than four years will not run Windows 11. And yes, we know that there are workarounds posted all over the web. We’re not recommending any of them at this point.

So how old is your computer?

If you want to know when your computer was manufactured, here is an easy way to find out 

Type MSINFO32 in the taskbar search to open “System information” and look for BIOS Version/date:

Cloudeight InfoAve Windows Tips

The BIOS Version/date shows the date your computer was manufactured. In the screenshot above, you can see the laptop I’m using is nine years old. It is running the current version of Windows 10 (Windows 10 version 21H1). It runs so well I use it instead of my newer one.

Please Note: There are always exceptions. If you changed your motherboard battery or flashed (updated) your BIOS, the date shown may not be the date your computer was manufactured.


7 thoughts on “How Old is Your Windows PC?

  1. Bev Pollock

    I did this & it tells me that my computer was manufactured 16 March 2021 but I bought this laptop 23 Sept 2020.
    How could that be? Is it because I updated the version?

    1. infoave Post author

      HP (to name one) required users of some models of HP computer to update the BIOS to ensure compatibility with newer versions of Windows. As stated in the article if you change your motherboard battery or flash (Update) your BIOS, it will not show the original date of manufacture.

      1. Bev Pollock

        It is an HP so I guess they updated the BIOS because I didn’t change the motherboard battery or flash.
        Thanks BP

  2. Janice Gower

    Oh my. This answers my questions. It says my computer was made 6/26/2014. Yikes. And here I am thinking it is still a fairly new computer. 🙂

  3. Jill Delany

    Mine says 9/16/2010
    And still humming right along.
    Thanks to Darcy & TC.
    I feel positively Blessed !
    Love you guys.

  4. GIna

    My Dell laptop is incorrect. It says June 8, 2021–but I bought it last autumn!


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