How to Change Your Mouse Pointer and Text Cursor to Make Them Easier to See

By | July 25, 2021



How to Change Your Mouse Pointer and Text Cursor to Make Them Easier to See

Did you know that Windows 10 lets you customize the mouse pointer size and color?  And you can also change your text cursor color and thickness to make it easier to see. Both are easy to do… and here’s how!

Customize the Mouse Pointer

You can make the mouse pointer very small or very large – or any size in between by using the size slider. And you can make your mouse pointer any color you want.

First, let’s open Ease of Access the easy way. Hold down the Windows Key and press the U key. On the Ease of Access page, click on Mouse pointer on the left. And you’ll see a slider that allows you to choose custom pointer sizes and an option that allows you to change the pointer color.

Cloudeight Windows 10 tips and tricks

Once you click on the “rainbow” option (see above) Windows will display seven color boxes showing you preset pointer colors from which to choose. But if you don’t like any of those colors, just click the “Pick a custom pointer color” button and choose any color you want.

Customize the Text Cursor

On the same Settings page, you can change your text cursor’s size and thickness. And you can enable the text cursor indicator that can make your text cursor easier to find. If you have trouble seeing your cursor, you should turn on the text cursor indicator by turning on the switch under “Turn on text cursor indicator.”  Once you’ve done that you can choose a text cursor indicator color. Choose from the preset colors or create your own custom color by clicking on the plus sign next to “Pick a custom color.”

Cloudeight Windows 10 tips and tricks

Further down on the page, you’ll find a slider that lets you make your text cursor thicker and therefore easier to see. But, be careful with this, if you make your cursor too thick it will cover up letters and spaces in your text. So, user discretion with this setting.

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6 thoughts on “How to Change Your Mouse Pointer and Text Cursor to Make Them Easier to See

  1. Judy

    So helpful that I feel silly for not learning about this before. While I do use some ease of access features, these tips about the curser are especially helpful since they make placing the cursor on the scrollbar easier for me. I love experimenting with the tips I learn from you.        Thanks      

  2. Daniel

    Hello I’m French Canadian from Quebec, and I will try to write to you in English, excuse my spelling mistakes. Thank you for the information you give us every day greatly appreciated. What I would like to know is what program do you use to make rectangles in red and arrows in red and the sentences you highlight in yellow ?. I tried to find a program on the internet for a few weeks, but it was unsuccessful. I believe that several people would appreciate having this information. Because not easy to find. Have a great week.

    Yours truly.

  3. Joann Bolen

    Thanks so very much for these helpful tips. I’ve now change my pointer to a bright color & a larger size so it will be much easier to find & see from now on. Thank you again!

  4. Ruth Rayna

    Using one of your tips, I accidentaly changed the background of my hpme screen to all white. How do i return it to the way it had been??


    1. infoave Post author

      I don’t know what you mean by your “home screen” Do you mean your desktop? The tip you’re commenting on has nothing to do with lock screens, log-in screens or desktops, that’s why I’m confused.

      If you mean your desktop is white, you can change it to any color by going to Settings > Personalization > Background.

      Change background Windows 10

      You can choose a picture or any color you want for your desktop background.


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