How to Get MP3 Music Free
First of all, we’re not lawyers, though EB threatens to sue me all the time (and so does everyone else). Regardless of what she thinks, she’s not a lawyer, but if she was, she’d be a shyster lawyer like Saul Goodman (“…better call Saul!”). I can’t imagine EB being a lawyer, her antics would make a travesty of any courtroom. I’d make a good court jester but not a good lawyer. So no matter what EB tells you — she’s not a lawyer, and neither am I.
What the heck does that have to do with anything, you’re thinking right? Now folks, you know better than to doubt me! They don’t call me Mister Segue for nothing!
We’re about to tell you how to find and download MP3 music for free. That’s right — without paying for it. Is it legal? We’re not lawyers, remember? (See? I told you so!) If you want to call your lawyer and ask him, please do so. If you want to call your state’s attorney general, that’s cool, we don’t care, we’ve taken on bigger!
We’re the messenger only — and you can’t sue the messenger! If you want to download MP3 music free, that’s between you and whatever higher authority you believe in. You probably have a phone – call a lawyer. You have a computer for sure — write you state’s attorney general and ask him or her…tell him or her, EB sent you. That will send shivers down his or her spine.
Yours truly, TC, tested this program and spent about an hour and a half listening to old Beatles’ tunes (mainly because there are no new Beatles’ tunes, unfortunately) and wishing I were twenty again and chasing the young lasses and swilling beer and carousing all night and going to bed at dawn. You’ll be happy to know that age has caught up with me and young lasses pass me by on the street and I’m totally invisible to them — I’m an old hump. And though I still like beer, I can’t swill it like I used to. And I have a hard time staying up past 9:30 P. M. I’m an old hump, I tells ya. If any of your old lasses out there want to chase an old hump like me, let me know.
Anyway…the program I was playing with so long today has a bipolar personality — it can’t decide if it wants to be called LastFM or Free Music Downloader. But I tells ya what, if you can’t figure this program out, you seriously need to get some rest and call a doctor, because they don’t get any easier to figure out.
You don’t have to install it, you simply download the zip file, unzip it, right-click on the exe file and choose pin to taskbar, or pin to start menu, or Send to Desktop (create shortcut), or all of these or if you don’t want to use the program ever again, choose none of these.
How easy is it to use? Type in the name of artist or song, or song and artist and click Search…and your search results appear instantly. When you find the MP3 you want to download, highlight it and click “Download”. Now how do you find it? You just click the other button that says “Open folder”. Now if you need help using this program, you need help. You even need more help than EB and she needs help, I tells ya!
Here’s some spiffy words from the developer — this is not going make those of you in OZ or NZ very happy, because I’m sure you’re not going to want to install a VPN service just to get few free songs.
Unfortunately, LastFM is only working in the United States, United Kingdom and Germany. All other users have 30 songs for free. If you live outside the United States, United Kingdom and Germany, you can use Anchor Free Hotspot Shield vpn software to fake your location.
Please not we do not recommend HotSpotShield since it installs PUPs or, if you prefer, Malware, unless you pay for it. And if you’re going to pay for something we recommend CyberGhost, but to use it you’ll probably need help. So Ozzies and NZérs – we’re sorry, we don’t make these programs, we don’t make the rules, in fact we don’t do much of anything according to a lot of folks.
Here are some screen shots which show you that I have good taste in music! I’m what you call a class act.
Finding Beatles songs was easy. They’re in alphabetical order. I downloaded “Can’t Buy Me Love”, to remind me why it’s good to be broke.
Because EB reminds me that “…Monkeys stand for honesty, Giraffes are insincere, and elephants are kindly, but they’re dumb…”, (EB is intimating that I’m an elephant).. I downloaded “At the Zoo” one of my favorite Simon & Garfunkel songs. Below, you can see I even got the album art too.
No, that’s not a picture of EB, that’s Beethoven, the one and only hearing-challenged composer from the 18th century. I downloaded several Beethoven pieces. I’ve got class, I tells ya!
I listened to Beethoven’s “Pathetique” as I wrote this. Now my keyboard is stained with my salty tears.
There you have it folks. It’s called LastFM but when you unzip the file and run it the title bar says Free Music Downloader. Maybe there’s a trademark violation? Who knows. You can read more and/or download whatever you want to call it from . And don’t forget, we’re not lawyers, not even EB who claims to be everything…she’s not a lawyer. We’re not encouraging illegal activity. We’re just the messengers ,capiche?
I am very curious about the site, but have a question. Not being really tech savvy, I have to depend on “advice” from others (my son, mainly). My “adviser” advises me that downloading and attempting to play songs from this (or any other source) may “corrupt” my WinAmp player and “cause all sorts of problems that (he) won’t be able to fix”. Now, since that is only one peanut from the front row heard from, I need to ask if there are other/opposing opinions that would help me decide whether to venture into this endeavor. I love WinAmp and would really, REALLY hate to cause it to barf and die… I would really, REALLY appreciate some insight from others who probably know more than my son…..although he has bailed my computer out of some really dark places in the past and I can’t tell him I am questioning his “advice”. Has anyone run into any problems downloading from the site and playing the songs on (which) players?
You got my answer via email but I’ll post it here as well 🙂
Hi Sally,
For sure, there is a lot of misinformation out there; your “adviser” is giving you bad advice. It matters not if you buy it from some trusted online store or strip the audio from a YouTube video. It’s an MP3. Saying that an MP3 file will corrupt WinAmp is like saying a JPG, or PNG, or TIF file will break Photoshop.
Sometimes it’s all I can do not to shake my head in disbelief. I don’t blame you, I’m sure your adviser really believes what he or she is saying.
Now the caveat:
Some sites offer MP3s bundled with malware which can infect your computer, even these contain MP3 files, but their bundled. If you can get to the MP3 they’re not going to corrupt WinAmp. A lot of trickery is involved when you search for “free MP3s” — many lead to downloads that will require you to download codecs — and then you’re going to get malware.
I tested this program by downloading 12 different MP3s on XP, Windows 7, and Windows 8. I had no problems and there was no virus or malware. The only other thing besides the MP3 file that is downloaded by this program is the album art (JPG file). And you can turn that option off.
I hope this helps you.
Sally, I love Winamp too, and have used it as my only .mp3 player for over 10 years. Lately, I’ve noticed little glitchy things with it, so I just went to check for a newer version, and there isn’t one – yet. They’ve changed hands. On their website it says:
“…Winamp & SHOUTcast have recently changed ownership (from AOL to Radionomy).
The website is currently undergoing heavy work and an almost-completely new redesign.
As a result, many features will be unavailable, including some in-client services.
The Winamp downloads and Winamp Pro purchases will also be temporarily unavailable…”
I signed up for notices about the changes. (But DO click on the back end of the llama. Some things never change.) If I could suggest, you may want to find an alternate (free) .mp3 player to play your new downloaded files, so your Winamp won’t be involved. Then if your Winamp starts acting hokey too on your older files, you’ll know why. I’ve downloaded thousands of files over the years. Some don’t play, many are mislabeled by the (general public) people who uploaded them, but I’ve never had one mess up a player. Still, that doesn’t mean one couldn’t, and that’s so good of your son to be concerned about those things for you.
McAfee site adviser says don’t go to that page. I just had my computer in the shop to be repaired, so I left the site. I do have one though that McAfee says is ok and that is:
My very best wishes to one and all,
This shows you exactly why we don’t recommend McAfee Site Advisor or anything McAfee. Its rate of false-positives is unacceptable. You can either believe us or not — but I have a nice collection of MP3’s now 🙂
Don’t rely on a any “community-based” site ratings. Ever. Look what happened to WOT.
The page you sent me to is a MP3 search engine, not a program with which to easily download music; If you want to grab a lot of malware keep using that page.
EB & TC, what an outstanding site, just superb is all i can say, other than i love music! Many thanks with all my very best!
Hi TC,
Any chance of finding us Oz & Kiwis one of these great sites so we can download free music too?
Thanks, mate.