If for some reason you can’t shut down your computer from your start menu, you have an option that many people don’t now about. It’s been part of Windows for a long time.
This trick applies to Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 both 32bit and 64 bit versions.
You can try this trick even if you’re not having problems. I will terminate all running processes and programs in 30 seconds – and you’ll have no option to cancel the shutdown sequence. So if you want to try this tip, be sure you don’t have any unfinished work open. If you do, you’ll lose it.
OK here’s the trick:
Press the Windows Key + R
In the command line type shutdown /s
Press Enter
Your computer will shut down in 30 seconds.
If you want to restart your computer use shutdown /r
Pretty easy. Pretty quick. Don’t leave any work unfinished, or you’ll be mighty sick.
Tried to use your tip to shutdown Windows in 30 secs &
got window saying Windows cannot find shutdown/s….can u help?
It is not shutdown/s . it’s shutdown /s . There is a big difference.
cancel: shutdown /a
reboot: shutdown /r
shut down: shutdown /s
log off: shutdown /l
more/less time:
shutdown (/s /r /l) /t (here time)
more ?? then:
shutdownl /?