How to Use Keyboard Shortcuts to Change File Explorer Views

By | February 25, 2020



How to Use Keyboard Shortcuts to Change File Explorer Views

A Cloudeight Windows 10 Tip

Hey, keyboard shortcut fans! Did you know that you can change they way File Explorer displays files and folders using keyboard shortcuts?  

Open File Explorer (Windows Key + E) and try these.

CTRL+SHIFT+1 = Extra Large Icon View

CTRL+SHIFT+2 = Large Icon View

CTRL+SHIFT+3 = Medium Icon View

CTRL+SHIFT+4 = Small Icon View

CTRL+SHIFT+5 = List View

CTRL+SHIFT+6 = Details View

Cloudeight InfoAve Windows 10 Tips

Cloudeight InfoAve Windows 10 Tips

Keyboard shortcut fans, rejoice!  And for the rest of you, now you know another way to change file and folder views in File Explorer.

6 thoughts on “How to Use Keyboard Shortcuts to Change File Explorer Views

  1. Mary

    Could you please help? When I save a picture or file to my document, the search folders come up in descending instead of ascending when I am searching for a folder to save them. How can I change this. I hope that makes sense. Thank you, Mary.

    1. infoave Post author

      Hi Mary, you can sort pictures by name, ascending or descending.

      Cloudeight InfoAve

      Click on “Name” to sort in reverse order. If you’re currently showing files in descending order, click on “Name” to see them in ascending order. You can show files by name, date, size, etc. in ascending or descending order, just by clicking on the column title (Name/Size/Date, etc)

  2. Gina

    Hi Mary… I can help. When you open your folder, switch to the “View” tab (on the top left). You’ll see an option that says “Sort by” on the ribbon with an arrow next to it. When you click the arrow you will see a list of options. Go down just a bit and you’ll see options for “ascending” and “descending.” One will have a check next to it. Select the one you’d prefer. I hope I explained this well enough for you to understand, and I hope it helps….Gina

  3. Mary

    Hi Gina. Thanks for your reply. I understand how to (sort by) on files ribbon. It is when I am saving a file to my document folder (there is no ribbon). The folders are starting from XYZ at top instead of ABC. It only resent changed. And I can’t change it back. Hope that is clearer. Thanks

  4. Gina

    Hi Mary…Did Darcy or TC answer your question? I obviously misunderstood what you were asking. Tonight’s Daily Tip also addressed File Explorer. The important thing is that you get your problem solved. Sometimes I really miss the days of Windows XP!! 🙁

    1. Mary

      Thank you so much. I Right Click on the screen and the option Ascending
      Descending came up. It is back Ascending again.
      It was so confusing going down the alphabet backwards 🙂


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