OK, how many of you don’t need information once in a while, raise your hands. OK. The only hand I see raised is EB’s. I expected that. But for the rest of us, we all need (and sometimes like) information. After all we’re all living on the tree lawn of the Information Highway! Yep, that’s us, sitting there under the sprawling oak tree, swigging down a lemonade and watching the information go by.
Anyway, if you need information, you should consider this week’s Site Of The Week, Infoplease. Because it’s full of useful information that you can really use. If you’re not sure of what you need you can browse around for tidbits and expand your mind – and fill it full of useful and useless information. That keeps those of us with empty heads from allowing our empty heads to remain completely empty. Now, if you’re EB and your head is already full of useless information, perhaps InfoPlease is not for you 🙂
So, before I go down that verbose highway that you all love so much, let me just say, I’m trying to change my ways. I want to be known as concise not verbose – although I realize that that is not going to happen in my lifetime. Perhaps when I’m dead and gone people will look back and think how concise I really was…
Now that being said, this is what the site developers have to say about InfoPlease:
“…Infoplease is a comprehensive reference source that combines the contents of an encyclopedia, a dictionary, an atlas, and several almanacs loaded with statistics, facts, and historical records. A single search engine allows you to search all these sources at once….”
Now, you talk about concise. In my dreams I would be so concise!
Don’t worry, I’m done prattling now. Except to warn you that this site does seem to love popups, albeit innocent ones. Still, you need to be aware of it, and a decent popup blocker (the ones that come with Internet Explorer and Firefox should suffice) is in order when you do visit this site to harvest its goodies.
Now see? No prattling! You can visit this week’s Site Of The Week called: “Infoplease” and fill-up that empty brain tank with lots of new information. Or, seriously, you can use this week’s Site Of The Week to look up lots of things you might want or need to know.
Yippee! Prattling over!