iPad Tip – Special Characters

By | February 18, 2012

If you tap and hold down certain keys on the keyboard, you will be presented with a number of different character options. For example, if you tap and hold the .com key, you can choose from .edu, .org. and .net. Holding down the vowel keys will give you many accented character options. Tap and hold the period key and you have ellipses options (…), dollar “$” has many options, apostrophe, and so on. Experiment on your own to find special characters you may find useful.

Here are some screenshot examples:

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2 thoughts on “iPad Tip – Special Characters

  1. Amy

    So lately my kndle fire has been acting strange. One day i put it to charge but the light wouldnt come on so i tampered with it a little and after bending the charger up towards the kindle it would charge but now even after putting the charger in its position it wont charge and its gotten worse now when the charger is in it’s position the green light comes up, turns orange and then it turns on (like normal) but when i unlock it the battery is red, showing that the it’s not charging, and then shuts off. and now its more horrible than b4! the light goes green then orange, it begins to turn on and then just shuts off!!!!!!!! now it wont even light or charge!!!!!!!!! what do i do?????


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