Is Microsoft looking into making Windows 8.1 free for all?

By | March 2, 2014

The following article comes to us from Digital Trends, usually a good source of geek news and trends. Read the article, in its entirety, then come back and take our poll (at the very bottom of this post). Apple and Chrome have already made their operating systems free — will Microsoft make Windows 8 free? Would it make a difference if it did?

Is Microsoft looking into making Windows 8.1 free for all?

Everyone knows that Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 have one big problem on top of a bunch of a smaller, though not necessarily small, issues.

Namely, it’s unpopular. Very unpopular.

In fact, Windows 8 and 8.1 are so unpopular that, as of January, Net Marketshare, which tracks operating system usage statistics, pegs the combined market share of both Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 at just over 10.5 percent, well below Windows XP’s share of 29.3 percent, and in a completely different zipcode when compared with Windows 7′s share of 47.46 percent.

To combat this issue, Microsoft has employed a few tactics, including halting support for Windows XP in a little over a month from now. However, if this report is any indication, Microsoft may try something pretty drastic in order to boost Windows 8 and 8.1′s popularity; making it entirely free., a Russian site that has previously leaked screenshots of what were alleged to be the incoming update for Windows 8.1, recently leaked shots of something that appears to call itself “Windows 8.1 with Bing.”

Read more:

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24 thoughts on “Is Microsoft looking into making Windows 8.1 free for all?

  1. Muriel Schlecht

    I won’t use Win8 or 8.1 because I don’t have to……YET. I am fully capable of learning another new OS, but I don’t want to spend my time on that. It’s not my idea of “fun”, or the need for a challenge, or a necessity to learn it, as it might be for others.
    It’s a matter of when I will need new hardware again. Who knows what OS or browser will be forced upon me by then. I learned DOS (so many versions). I learned Windows version ? and ? and eventually 98SE, I learned WinXP and now Win7. Add the hundreds of dollars worth of software and upgrades and the relearning of those, plus the many versions of IE, and the changes in security and coping with internet growth in general, and now the lack of trust in Microsoft updates, I think I have paid my dues. I certainly do not apologize for not wanting to deal with Win8.

    I think every computer out there that has Win8 pre-installed on it, whether already sold or in retailers warehouse ready to sell, should absolutely get Win8.1 for free. Any computer still in manufacturing should not be shipped to market until Win8 is replaced with Win8.1 and includes a very low-priced upgrade option for Win9. Hopefully by then, Microsoft will have acknowledged and listened to it’s customer base of those with keyboard/mouse needs. Microsoft forcefully threw us (the customers who created their market share) to the curb with Win8 as far as I’m concerned. Just as they did when they tried to deceptively force us to THEIR inferior “cloud” email when they dumped OE and Windows Mail. They didn’t even care enough about us to offer a retail version of either one of those email clients. It really pisses me off that OE and Windows Mail users didn’t scream their heads off. Corporate users use Outlook which spun off into a separate retail version in addition to still being part of some of the MS Office offerings, and now the “cloud” version (

    1. Ruth Nelson

      Muriel nailed it! It’s as if I wrote it myself.

      I would like to say that I wonder if anybody at Microsoft REALLY knows anything abut computers!!!!!

  2. Ruth Nelson

    Muriel nailed it ! It’s as if I wrote it myself.
    I wonder if anyone at Microsoft REALLY knows anything about computers!

  3. Harold

    i think what Muriel said is what most of us feel and could not say , she did well for all of us Thank you Muriel

  4. Philip Reeves

    3 cheers for Muriel. Her reply should be sent to Microsoft. That’s when I’ll get a new operating system. When both my Window’s 7 computers bite their final speck of dust.

  5. pb

    Muriel, has said it so well, there’s nothing more to add!!!

    Thank you, Muriel….I’m pissed right along with you, girl!!!

  6. Judie

    I m sorry I got scared by MS into buying Win.8. Not having OE or a similar email is the most annoying. Next purchase. .APPLE.

  7. Barb Branca

    Think your did a wonderful job in your reply Muriel. Too bad that more people don’t have the fortitude to say and do the same thing. We’re paying for the product so should have what we feel is a good deal and have some say as to what we’d like. Certainly they can’t satisfy everybody but they should satisfy the majority which they don’t appear to be doing. Congrats again Muriel!

  8. Linda

    Even though I chose the “if it were free I’d use it” choice, I did so with some hesitancy. Being a diehard XP user, (I’ll be changing to the Chrome browser just for the additional year of support), I do feel as though I’m being strongly pushed towards having to use it soon. I realize there are other platforms available. My choice of when to invest in a new system would have more to do with cost, the time involved in learning a whole new system operation and/or opting for a system that only allows me to save things to “the cloud”, such as a Chromebook, (which sends up major red flags concerning security to me). I’m sure there are many like me that do other things than just check email, shop and post to the social medias.
    I am not averse to change. On the contrary – I like being challenged. But, I’d rather challenge myself than having something forced on me that has been shown to be lacking in any kind of logic to an average home (office) user or in a corporate setting. The total lack of respect shown by Microsoft to their many loyal users, those who helped them rise to the top, is reprehensible. Taking user’s wants and needs into consideration, giving them a choice as to what type of system would work best for them, would have gone a long way in gaining acceptance of Windows 8/8.1 I’m sure. Most people, like myself, do not like being forced to spend time and money that is not of their choosing, of when and how to do it. Microsoft has lost not only customers because of that lack of respect, they have also lost loyalty and trust, a hard thing to regain once gone.

  9. Gwynne L.

    I got stuck with windows 8/8.1 when my faithful old XP Pro computer died. I have it and despite the good work Darcy did to give me an e-mail program and start button, I still hate it. I would go back to a slightly modernized XP program in an instant. If Microsoft has any sense left, they will abandon the mess of 8/8.1 and develop something people want.

  10. Sue Cooper

    I went straight from XP to 8. I have no problems with it.

  11. Chantal M.

    I’m with Muriel on this, as I see many others are, as well.

    Hubby got Windows 8 on his new computer when his previous computer bit the dust. He wasn’t impressed at all with Windows 8, nor is he the least bit impressed with Windows 8.1. He hates it!! Every single day, I hear him cursing Windows 8.1 – his computer is his work, so it really makes it tough on him to continue to have to use this piece of junk. I’m not touching it with a 10-foot pole, if I can manage to stay away. XP was great, as is Windows 7, which I now use. Honestly, if I could get away with using another OS, I probably would, except that oftentimes work dictates what program I use.

  12. Arnie Brown

    I’m a gray haired, balding, old buzzard and I for one agree 100% with what Muriel and the others say about Windows 8/8.1 When will Microsoft smarten up, if ever?

  13. Barry

    I use Windows 8.1. I have had more strange problems with it than I did with Vista ….. which is very scary! It is typical Microsoft ………… out too early with too many bugs & absolutely no regard for their customers. As far as email goes, I totally agree with the above comments. Just another example of Microsoft trying to force something on its customers instead of giving them a choice.

  14. Linda Drinkwater

    I agree 100% with you, Muriel. My husband still uses XP and loves it. I was forced to go to Vista, but I won’t be forced to use Windows 8 or 8.1 if there’s any way I can avoid it. I’m a die hard stationery user and will continue that as long as I can also. I don’t know anything about Windows 7, but regardless, I don’t think it’s right that we are forced to use anything that we don’t want to. I suggest that Muriel send her comments to everyone she knows on the internet and let us all sign it, then send it in petition form to Microsoft. They don’t seem to pay attention to anything else.

  15. D. Peacock

    I chose not to use even if it is free. I have a new computer (1 year old) with Win7 and my laptop is XP, which I love. I accept change but not when it is forced upon me. I will use what I have and if I run into problems I’ll turn to “Cloudeight”

  16. Lee

    I identify with Muriel. I’ve spent over 25 years in professional support of Microsoft products beginning with many versions of MS-DOS and right on up the ladder from there. For the majority of SOHO (small office, home office) users there are other viable alternatives, specifically Linux and Mac. If you are fortunate enough to have Windows 7 then support has been assured from MSFT until January, 2020. If not, I would seriously consider Mint Linux or Ubuntu Linux. These versions will run on the majority of older computers and will do all that most users require. Yes, it’s a learning curve but no more so than Windows 8. In fact I have found it much easier to use. If you choose this path, do your homework. Go on the internet, research the subject, go to YouTube and view the many tutorials that are available. Gather all the information that you need so that you an make an intelligent and informed decision. Good luck to all and happy computing!

  17. Lee

    Sorry, but I forgot to mention that if you are using Windows 8.* and are unhappy with it, TC has previously written about a small free utility entitled Classic Shell. He has tested it and found it to be a welcome breath of fresh air when installed on Windows 8.* computers. I have also tested it and found it to be really neat. It makes life with Windows 8.* far more palatable. I wholeheartedly endorse TC’s recommendation of Classic Shell. If interested, again, go to your search engine of choice and research it to get all the information that you need to be comfortable with your decision. Good luck and happy computing!

  18. Deanna Baugh

    I agree with every one here! But, I think when you buy a new computer you should be able to get whatever os you want on it…I am a die hard xp user…I will stay there as long as I can!
    I just hate that Microsoft dictates to us what we have to use…I came all the way from Windows 95 to xp…and I too learned dos before that…leave me alone please and stop messing with my computer! Why fix something that isn’t broken other than to just make more money! Windows 8 came out to match the phones…the phones and computers are two separate things and they should be…get over it Microsoft! I love techie things but Microsoft has carried this to far! There are many businesses that feel the same way I do…they have xp and are happy with it and they are not going to 8 or 8.1…in Canada they have agreed to stay with xp because so many businesses screamed…so why can they not do that here! We should all be treated the same by them!! I think I am mad enough now! Done!

  19. Erna Kay

    I downloaded the so called free 8.1 windows & it ruined my computer. It went all black on my screen & nothing worked. I had to reinstall my windows 8. If you hate windows 8, like I do download that Shell program & you will have a brand new XP computer back….love it…..

  20. Ramona Perry

    Just want to say I really love everyone’s comments. It reminds me of an old movie I watched by the title ” Network ” by the end of the movie people opened their windows and shouted out ( We’re mad as hell and we’re not going to take it anymore ). I like what Muriel wrote and as Linda Drinkwater said, if Muriel had a petition made up I would certainly be one that would sign it! I liked Windows XP the best and I have switched to 7, but I won’t be updating to 8.


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