It Pays to Get Older… Sometimes
I wonder how many of you know about EB’s other web site? You probably think those pictures of EB on The Hill are really EB, actually that’s her oldest daughter, EB jr. To see the real EB you’ll have to hang on to your dentures until I get done rambling – which thanks to the verbosity of EB’s chief copywriter on her other site (not me!) won’t be too long.
For those of you who are under 55, we’re sorry, this week we’re paying tribute to EB and all the rest of you who are 55+. While it’s true most of the deals on our site of the week apply to those 60 and over, quite a few apply to those 55 and over. And now I will turn this over to the copywriter who writes for the other site. I’m done boring you. I will let the other writer bore you with his/her feeble attempts at humor and almost-clever turns of phrase. Yes. I’m jealous!
“Despite what those “age defying” wrinkle creams might tell you, getting older needn’t be a negative. Grandchildren, social security checks and lots of awesome mail from the AARP are all perks of our “golden years.” Plus you can nod off at any family gathering you choose, and nobody will wake you up! But perhaps the biggest bonus of all for frugal seniors like Gift Card Granny is an onslaught of discounts for everything from groceries and clothing to travel and, of course, restaurants. (And no, not just for the early bird special.)
The age threshold for cashing in varies, but many start at only 55. Since 50 is the new 40, that means you’ll have plenty of years to rake in the savings!
Other deals require a bit more grey hair and life experience, but many are well worth waiting for. Take a look and let us know if you find any other senior discounts we should mention. And if you’re too young for this list, respect your elders and pass it on to grandma or grandpa.”
OK all you ancient mariners, sail off to save money on many things. See? Growing old can sure can save you money, even if it ain’t much fun.
Visit this great Cloudeight Website pick, Gift Card Granny. Good old Granny has compiled over 200 discounts just for seniors.