It’s Okay to Be a Prune

By | May 8, 2014

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It’s Okay to Be a Prune

“The golden moments in the stream of life rush past us, and we see nothing but sand; the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone.” ~ George Eliot (Mary Ann Evans)

I was walking past our local gym the other day — we only have one gym in our little town – and noticed a sign in the window: “Check out our Senior Discount: Save 15% or more on memberships”. And that starts me thinking.

If you’re over 40, you’ll get this, and if you’re not, this will be as alien to you as Martian ground moss, so you may as well stop reading right now — unless you want to snicker, of course.

There are some people who think they can remain youthful by joining a gym and working out. The thought of that just makes me tired and achy. Fighting aging is about as senseless to me as fighting a pride of hungry lions. I’m going to lose — and that means I’m going to be dead. This is a serious game, you know.

Anyway, after seeing the discount for seniors at this particular gym, I altered my walking so as to pass this gym every day to observe the comings and goings of the teetering old prunes who think they can fight that pride of lions and win. Actually there are many nublile young lasses coming and going and some think this is the reason I altered my walking route. I want to tell you that while I enjoy that kind of scenery, I do not want to be seen some balding, fat, fossil, in red pants, chasing some 21-year-old waitress.

Moving on…

Over time I note many older men and women going into the gym. And I’m amused. So I start thinking how totally futile all this jumping up and down and crunching and tread milling is. And if you asked any one of them why the do it, they’ll say it makes them feel better, which I know is not true.

How do you think the companies that make BenGay and Icy Hot are able to send their entire executive staffs to St. Thomas every winter for “corporate meetings”? These older folks don’t go to the gym to feel better — they go there so they don’t look like the withered old prunes they really are.

I know that beauty is only skin deep. When covered with clothing they may look younger than their age, but when you peel back the layers of the onion, so to speak, you still have a wrinkled old prune.

But if you ask them they will insist they do it for the health benefits — it makes them feel better. Right. That’s why if you followed each one for 24 hours a day for a week you’d find them putting on wrinkle cream every night and getting Botox treatments. Do wrinkle cream and Botox treatments make them feel better?

You know what makes me angry? People who go to a funeral homes and look at the corpse and saying: “Doesn’t he/she look natural?” That’s like someone looking at some seventy-something, wearing his pants up around his chest and saying — “Doesn’t he look good for his age?” What does that mean?

Let all of us who are aging do so gracefully. Our energies could be better applied to expanding our minds, than in trying to make us look young again. Wearing bright yellow pants and white shoes or wearing ball caps to cover balding heads, isn’t going to help you woo the 20-somethings. If you’re an old prune, only $$$ is going to help you do that.

And this is for the women: Most of you aren’t cougars, and I thank you for that. In my state we have a university called Ohio University. Every May they have Mother’s Weekend -no it’s not a Mother’s Day thing!. If you should be unlucky enough to visit the campus on Mother’s Weekend, you will see the ghastly sight of 40-something females cooching up to young, foolish boys who are 18 or 19 but look 15 or 16. The wonders of beer and margaritas combined with testosterone and estrogen cannot be overstated. Although, if you’re looking for something to do on a weekend in May, and you like this sort of thing, visit Ohio University in Athens, Ohio. And you think I’m kidding don’t you?

Maybe theses older women, as Andy Rooney once wryly observed, “…realize it’s not worth buying an entire pig, just to get a little sausage.”

All of us over 40 have blown it. We’ve wasted our youth. It’s gone, and no amount of exercise, medicine, makeup, plastic surgery, snake oil, or Botox is going to bring it back. We might be able to polish up the shell a little, but the insides are slowing decaying. And though our parents and grandparents tried to tell us to savor our youth, we blew it anyway. We had no idea what they meant. We were invincible. We were young. We had forever ahead of us. We were never going to be prunes like them. Forever young. “…the angels come to visit us, and we only know them when they are gone.” We never knew the angel of youth until she was gone. And boy is she gone!

I can remember when I was 15 or 16 and most of my high school teachers were in their mid-30’s to mid-40’s. I thought they were morose, melancholy, old folks who never grew up and never finished school. Now I look at old High School Yearbooks and the teachers look young — and some of my female teachers were hot, and I never notice! Where the heck was I back in those days? I was lost in the haze of youth.

So I say surrender gracefully to the years — trying to fend off getting old is not only a losing battle, but makes you look silly. It’s much better to be a wrinkled-up old prune, than a wrinkled-up old prune trying to look like 30-something.

One thing that age should impart to all of us is wisdom. Apparently it doesn’t impart it to everyone.

Hey! It’s OK to be a prune.

“Proud to be a Prune”  That’s my motto.

3 thoughts on “It’s Okay to Be a Prune

  1. Irene

    Such a well written statement….!! I am 63, do not dye my grey hair, do not wear make up and do not do all the things you mentioned to “try” to look young. I am happy how I am, and it “show”s from the “inside”.
    I do try to learn one new thing every day, and if I miss a day or two……I may learn three new things the next day! I work out in my garden, especially this time of year. It gives me wonderful exercise, and makes my heart “soar” to see new things coming up every day! Much better than some expensive gym. I would much rather spend my money on plants that I can eat or admire their beauty…..or feed the birds and bees!
    Hooray for getting older!!

  2. HogMan

    Great story TC and i remember the first time a 17 or 18 year kid called me sir or mister i turned around to look to see the older guy standing behind me and when there was no one there my first thought was what the crap was that youngster thinking. Then reality set in and it come to me that i was wearing shoes that were older than that kid i just saw. But through the years i have aged well in my own mind. When i get dressed now i look in the mirror not to see if i look good but to make sure i’m not showing anything that might get me arrested for exposing something that i might of left uncovered. But as the years roll by i totally have accepted my life and age and very thankful that God has let me hang around this long and let me see my two girls grow up and then let me see my two grandsons do the same. So for Grandma and me to make it into our middle 70s with 53 years of marriage we both come to this place in our lives where we can take our teeth out at night, put’um in a cup with the best of’um. So for those at the gym that you spoke of i have a word of wisdom for all of them the only thing that you might get out of it is maybe you will lose a couple pounds so it will help to not put much strain on your pall bearers. So go get that big bowl of strawberry ice cream sit and don’t worry just be happy.
    God Bless All Of You (HogMan)

  3. PocosMom

    This isn’t a reply to HogMan, but I can’t find a way to comment to T.C.

    While I was smiling and enjoying the logic of what you were saying, part of me was thinking about those of us prunes who go to physical therapy to help keep ourselves walking without a walker and remaining vertical after that becomes a daily task. Thank goodness, I am not thin. I have tended to bounce rather than break, but I know that the law of averages is waiting right around the corner and one of these days I may break my neck! But balance has become so tenuous that if a state trooper ever stops me, I am going to ask for an immediate breathalyzer. I can seldom walk a straight line without teetering, tottering or toppling!

    Part of me does not enjoy having a face that resembles the Grand Canyon, but the rest of me figures “What the heck? I earned every danged one of those lines!” The white hair doesn’t bother me. It bothered me more all my life that it looked like a 2nd cousin to spaghetti. I think the only thing that would bother me now is if it were to all fall out!

    But none of me is going to be ready to check out of this suite when my time is up. I am too interested in what is happening on Castle and Bones and how the Seahawks and Mariners are doing. I am a liberal surviving in a community of conservatives, so I do not have a lot of close friends in my neighborhood–but I have a lot of folks online who share my values and sense of humor. I enjoy hearing what is going on in their lives and sharing pictures of our dogs and cats, flowers and families. I will not be ready to leave without knowing what is going on in their lives.

    I have always wanted to travel, but when I was young, there was never time. Now I have all the time I want but I can’t afford it. So I watch TONS of television and I do not find it any wasteland. I can see any place in the world where a camera has been–in living color. The only thing that is missing is any breeze there may be and any fragrances that may be around me. So I will not be ready to go until I have seen far more of this world–if some idiot doesn’t destroy it and check us ALL out, closing the whole danged hotel, so to speak!

    So I go to the gym at my therapist’s and pedal the Bioflex and the ride the recumbent bike, humming along with the country music playing on their stereo. I am not trying to look any younger. I just want to hang around longer. When the day comes that I can no longer get around on my own, I won’t bother any more–but for now, I have to speak up for all the wrinkled old prunes who don’t really give a hang about looking young .


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