It’s Time for Some Really Quick and Easy Windows Tips

By | March 3, 2022




It’s Time for Some Really Quick and Easy Windows Tips

Easy tips for Windows 10 and Windows 11 from Cloudeight

Today, we’re going to make things easy for you. Here are three very useful and very easy tips you can use with both Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Tip Number One

Let’s say, you are filling out a Web form and you make a mistake -you typed in the wrong email address or whatever. Instead of backspacing to remove the incorrect address, put your cursor in the form field and press the CTRL key plus the A key and then the Delete Key.

Why it works: CTRL + A highlights everything in the form field. The Delete key deletes all the highlighted text.

Tip Number Two

Now, imagine you’re viewing a very long web page and you are nearly at the bottom… but you need to go back to the top. Instead of scrolling all the way back to the top, just press the CTRL + HOME keys. If you want to go to the bottom of the page, instead of scrolling all the way to the bottom, just press the CTRL+ END keys. It’s that simple, we tells ya!

Tip Number Three

OK, last one for today…

Here’s a really easy way to highlight a large block of text. Put your cursor at the top of this tip and left-click. Now put it at the bottom of this tip and click while holding down the SHIFT key. Pretty cool, huh?

4 thoughts on “It’s Time for Some Really Quick and Easy Windows Tips

  1. Philip Reeves

    Some of us like me have multiple sclerosis and as such find key combinations really difficult to execute. Just typing the @ key is a real chore.

    1. infoave Post author

      It would be difficult I imagine to use the mouse too, wouldn’t it? Some computers offer voice control to make things easier for those with restrictions. For me, keyboard shortcuts are faster and easier than using the mouse.

  2. Carol Breslawski

    I do not need to press the control key and end or home. Just selecting end or home works.

    1. infoave Post author

      Depends on the keyboard – CTRL+Home and CTRL+End work on all keyboards. Home/End keys (alone) don’t work on one of my laptops but work on the laptop with a full keyboard. Just to cover everything CTRL+HOME/CTRL+END work on all Windows computers at least the ones I have access to… but you are correct many may find Home/End without the CTRL key work just fine.


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