Just Delete Me

By | September 6, 2013

Let’s face it – being on the Web, in any way, is getting less and less private. Between governments spying on its citizens, to citizens willingly spying on themselves and each other (Facebook, Twitter, etc.), our once private lives are getting less and less private. And sometimes we join sites and services on a whim and give up some information in doing so and then forget about them or can’t figure out how to remove our account and information from a service, social networking site, etc. because some make it hard to do. If you’ve ever tried to delete an account you have probably found that it isn’t easy to find out how to do so.

We are happy to tell you that there’s now a Web site that makes it a lot easier to find out how to delete the accounts you want to delete by pointing you to the page or pages that tell you how to delete your account for most services, social networking sites, Web mail accounts and more.

It’s called Just Delete Me. Here’s what the developers have to say:

What is this?
Many companies use dark pattern techniques to make it difficult to find how to delete your account. JustDelete.me aims to be a directory of urls to enable you to easily delete your account from web services.

Cloudeight InfoAve
If you have accounts you want to remove once and for all from the Internet, visit http://justdelete.me  . Each site listed is color coded — green for easy to remove, tan for medium difficulty, red for hard to remove and black for impossible. You’ll be surprised to see how many sites are coded black.

Maybe we’re all leaving what will become someday a trail of tears as we watch the remaining vestiges of our privacy taken from us — and for some of it we will have only ourselves to blame.

2 thoughts on “Just Delete Me

  1. Cynthia Letellier

    I tried your link on this page and also the one in my InfoAve Premium newsletter and got an “oops!” page.

    So I just typed “JustDelete.me” into the address bar and got to the correct page … I think. It looks the same as the one you show.

  2. Muriel Schlecht

    Same thing happened to me. I believe it’s because the link provided in the article has a hyphen in the name…”just-delete” When I entered it into my address bar without a hyphen… http://justdelete.me it worked just fine.

    This site is a great find. I was surprised to see the names of some of the sites with the difficulty rated as impossible.


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