Just For Laughs: Earl Pitts On Weathermen

By | March 10, 2014

I sure hope most of you have a good sense of humor — there’s no better humor than absurdity when it’s true. What Earl has to say about TV weathermen is essentially true, although embellished with Earl’s “colorful” language. Anyway, why not share this with you. If you don’t like it? “Wake up, America!”

4 thoughts on “Just For Laughs: Earl Pitts On Weathermen

  1. Phyllis

    What a trip down memory lane. I had forgotten about Earl. I used to work where I could pick up a radio that played Earl every morning. He never failed to make me laugh. Kind of a forerunner to Steven Colbert. 🙂

  2. Ken Roberts

    I love close to Cincinnati closer than I care to but far enough away the culture does not spill into our town . Earl was right most of the time and funny so he is batting as high as Babe Ruth on the truth


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