Learn More About Windows 10
OK we’re going to show you a video on Windows 10 made by the operating system division of Microsoft. While the video is obviously glaringly glowing of Windows 10, it’s also pretty much accurate. Windows 10 can be customized easily to look very much like Windows 7 – start menu included. Windows 10 has a settings panel that just plain makes sense:
So most of the time you can use the black and white minimalistic settings panel instead of jumping into the Control Panel.
Unlike Windows 8.1 where the start menu was only have restore – after being missing entirely from Windows 8, Windows 10 puts a hybrid start menu where you have your programs listed – like in Windows 7, and also small tiles (ala Windows 8). However you can easily remove the tiles leaving only a Windows 7 style start menu – only better. In Windows 10 you can resize the start menu – even to full screen size if you want.
Windows 10 is probably the most customizable version of Windows ever; you can make it pretty much like you want it without too much trouble.
For those concerned about program compatibility, the mantra from Microsoft is if it runs on Windows 7 it will run on Windows 10. In our tests that seems to be true.
Above: Windows 10 Start Menu with tiles. Below: Windows 10 Start Menu with no tiles. Colors are customizable too – in case you’re not partial to my black menu 🙂
There are some disappointments – Windows 10 has no viable email program – it has the same rudimentary mail app that came with Windows 8x. And the highly publicized browser “Edge” that will replace Internet Explorer in Windows 10 seems an awful lot like an attempt to turn IE into Chrome – it doesn’t impress. Fortunately, you can install Firefox, Chrome, or Chrome on Windows 10 and avoid “Edge” all together. Who knows though – some of you might like Edge – I’m not impressed.
I personally despised Windows 8x – beyond taking time to learn it – I never used it. I stayed with Windows 7 and only used Windows 8x to learn the operating system. I really, really like Windows 10 and I think you will too.
So now it’s time to show you the official Windows 10 video – so you can learn all about Windows 10 – overly enthusiastic rhetoric aside.
Hmmmmmmm!!! Just wonderin’….. will I have to reinstall Chrome and all my other “stuff” if I upgrade to 10? I have 8.1 so what do I lose and what is still there? I will update from “Windows Update” when I see it there….oh, but I have automatic updates enabled so it just might surprise me and be there when I least expect it. I do like to live dangerously and if everything goes belly-up I will get Darcy to fix it for me. Are you listening Darcy??? What might the pitfalls be, if any? LOL
First let me say I am a senior citizen and what I know About computers I have taught myself and I love my PC and my IPad! Now, that I am confronted with where to or not to upgrade to Windows 10 I find I need some advice. My PC is windows 7 and I wonder if it is worth my spending the money to upgrade to Windows 10? What is the fee to upgrade?
Thank you in advance, I really do enjoy your colume.
J W.
Windows 10 is free, there is no cost for Windows 7 and Windows 8 users (as long as you upgrade by July 29, 2016). Windows 7 is great operating system with 5 years of support left. Windows 10 is great too. The choice is up to you. But cost is not a factor.
Will Win 10 use 32 or 64 bit?
I’m a little OLD and to be truthful………. not that quick to learn all this STUFF…….But I will try….. and will probably say unkind things about Windows 10. But knowing Darcy will help this old buzzard if need be.
Should we take the upgrade right away, or wait for the bugs to be cleared out?….oh heck….Win 8 was already the bug!! 🙂
What a great video. Thanks for putting it on. I wasn’t planning on upgrading to 10 till I saw that vid. Thanks so much.
Thanks for all the info on Windows 10. Sounds like it’s OK if you like it. By the way, what does T.C. and E.B. stand for. Sounds like we’re working with Batman and Robin? Ha
I have a question if you could put windows mail on 7 can you also put it on 10?
I know people who use outlook mail and they hate it.
I recieved my update on my Desktop computer, but on my Laptop it was a different story. I do not have my Laptop connected in anyway to my Desktop but when I turned my Laptop on I saw it had updates it had been a while since I had it on so I had updates plus the extra ones. I downloaded them and when it was all done i checked to see if it had gotten the windows 10 update it didn’t have it. I tried everything I could think of to get it. I still don’t have it. I even had a session with Microsoft all that was done was to reset my updates. She told me to keep trying to see if in the next so many days to see if it will update. My question is has anybody else had this problem? If so how do I get this update
This video makes Windows 10 sound great. Of course we all know about Microsoft software and all the problems initially with it. My question is this: suppose I install it on my Windows 7 computer and decide I don’t like it, can you downgrade back to your old version of Windows does anyone know.
Barb Polsky
The video is very close to reality. Windows 10 is very very nice. The only exaggeration in the video has to with Microsoft Edge (the new IE). To me it seems like the old IE trying to imitate Chrome. I will still with Chrome on Windows 10.
Does anyone know if the email program Thunderbird will be compatible with windows 10?
Anything that runs on Windows 7 will run on Windows 10. So yes, Thunderbird will run on Windows 10.
Thanks for the information, I am looking forward to this upgrade and I think it will be a good one. Yes, I also think there will be some issues but not like Win 8. I like the idea of “contona” (if that is spelled right) working with my computer and my cell phone. That can be good for someone like me that can’t remember things.
You have some good insight and well written, thank you
Cortana will appeal to many I think. Others won’t use it. Nice thing is you don’t have to use it if you don’t want to.
I am looking to install Windows 10 come release date, but I was wondering if some one could share their thoughts on something I came across. Click link below,.